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  1. ~shinigami~

    Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results v1.0 I've done a Biology, English Adv. and Physics assessment but haven't gotten any marks back yet. :(
  2. ~shinigami~

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Beach? Sounds Awesome! :D
  3. ~shinigami~

    Validity and Reliability

    Damn, I wished I read this thread earlier. My Physics assessment had a question about Validity and Reliability. I just BS'd it though about repeating the experiment etc :p
  4. ~shinigami~

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    I've gotten my Physics assessment over and done with. Phew :D Easier than I thought. I didn't have enough time though so I just BS'd the last question about validity and reliablity.
  5. ~shinigami~

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    :santa: You watch HOUSE too?
  6. ~shinigami~

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    ...yeh...I like totally new that. :lol: Hey goodluck with the mock trial. Sounds fun :hammer: P.S How does a mock trial work when you have to follow a script. :confused:
  7. ~shinigami~

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    Wow so there's a mock trial. So it's essentially a mock trial for the trials which is a mock of the preliminary which is in turn essentially a mock HSC. :confused:
  8. ~shinigami~

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    My school has 5 periods Mon, Tues, Thurs & 3 Periods on Wed and 6 Periods on Friday. The reason I get so many free periods is because I do the bare minimum of 12 units and 2 of the units are Maths Ext and Eng Ext which are both off line. :)
  9. ~shinigami~

    Help with Electron Configuration please :)

    If the HSC course is like the prelims course then it should be fun. :D
  10. ~shinigami~

    Which Subjects Will You Be Doing?

    No maths? I'm suprised since you're doing all three science subjects. :D
  11. ~shinigami~

    Physics, the "I don't understand what's going on thread!"

    I have a Physics prac assessment this Friday. :mad1: to study. :karate:
  12. ~shinigami~

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    I have a free period everyday except thursday. Free periods at the end of the day are the best because I get to go home, that's why Mondays are the best :D Actually Monday would be so good if I didn't have to wake up at 6:30 for English Extension. :( I wholeheartedly agree. :)
  13. ~shinigami~

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    Free Periods>PDHPE>Sciences :p
  14. ~shinigami~

    Help with Electron Configuration please :)

    That was really interesting to read. :) Yet another reason to dislike the Government.
  15. ~shinigami~

    Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results v1.0 First "real" assesments will be Physics and Biology THIS friday. I be able to make a comment when I finish them. Damn! Procrastination....must study Physics.
  16. ~shinigami~

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    Chemistry > Physics :p Oh wait, more like Chem = Physics....oh no but Chemistry cannot "equal" Physics because that would mean that they're the same thing but they're not.....arghhh :burn: I've just somehow successfully confused myself. P.S I heart Chemistry and PDHPE (oh how I miss...
  17. ~shinigami~

    Help with Electron Configuration please :)

    How so? Sorry to sound like I doubt you because I don't, I just want to know why? :p Sounds interesting but confusing. :) P.S Mitochondria, I just learnt about "mitochondria" in Biology today. What a coincidence. :lol:
  18. ~shinigami~

    Help with Electron Configuration please :)

    Actually, chemistry is my favourite subject at he moment. Physics and maths are both a close second. :D
  19. ~shinigami~

    Help with Electron Configuration please :)

    Just a quick question, why are they teaching electron configuration in the Prelim if it's not even in the HSC? What is in the HSC? Stuff that's even harder?
  20. ~shinigami~

    Help with Electron Configuration please :)

    Thank You so very much, I finally understand it. :) Wow, it's so simple, I can't believe I didn't understand before. Thanks again. :D What's this quantam mechanical model? I'm confused