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  1. Dustin_z

    LIVE 8 - Waste of time and useless

    I was watching this guy on the weekend on the ABC and ill copy and paste what was said because its totally true (and I know the bleeding heart leftists wont like it): ------------------------------------------ ALAN KOHLER: Well, good on Sir Bob Geldof for organising an excellent concert...
  2. Dustin_z

    crappy teachers

    I hate biology now. I used to have a really good bio teacher in year 11 except she retired and we got left with this new teacher. The old bio teacher used to explain everything, she even explained stuff beyond what we 'needed' to know so that we totally understood the areas and the...
  3. Dustin_z

    Where is Douglas Wood?

    uhuh... Ok well ill ask this question in another 6 weeks from now :rolleyes:
  4. Dustin_z

    Where is Douglas Wood?

    Mr Sheik al-Hilaly, Where is Douglas Wood? Are you sure you saw him alive or are you just in the Middle East on Holiday? Please Explain.
  5. Dustin_z

    Homosexuality - Choice or No? Disorder or No?

    I dont want to sound like a homophobe, but I think homosexuality is a sex fetish to be honest. The whole homosexual 'sex' thing doesn't seem based around love. I mean whats this fisting business? And that 'watersports' stuff? Thats not LOVE, its something totally different. Yes...
  6. Dustin_z

    I have posted way more than 13 messages

    I have posted way more than 13 messages...
  7. Dustin_z

    Explicit pamphlets displayed at school

    Grade 6 - 8 is middle school (aka junior high), at least in Tennessee it is and that is the only state I have been to school in. Im not sure what it is in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is probably the most liberal state in the united states. So if this pamphlet was to be in any state I am...
  8. Dustin_z

    Explicit pamphlets displayed at school

    I think its disgusting whether its for queers or heterosexuals. The language in it is disgusting, the graphical images are disgusting and the information on FISTING, PISSING ON OTHERS, LICKING OTHER PEOPLES ANUS is just wrong.
  9. Dustin_z

    Explicit pamphlets displayed at school

    You dont teach grade 6 students about FISTING. Fisting is dangerous and can cause permanent damage. And what is that crap about 'watersports'?, that aint making love.
  10. Dustin_z

    Explicit pamphlets displayed at school

    Explicit pamphlets displayed at school Health center regrets mistake By Joanna Weiss, Globe Staff | May 19, 2005 A community health organization apologized yesterday for bringing a sexually explicit pamphlet for young gay men to a recent conference at Brookline High School on gay and...
  11. Dustin_z

    Closed Court

    Now I would be in contempt if I said any of the specifics of the case so ill remain silent. The only thing ill say is that I sat in the public gallary of a closed court session. As far as the specifics, I won't say because I was especially warned by the clerk.
  12. Dustin_z

    Closed Court

    Oh it was totally allowed. I didn't just walk into the court room, I went to the clerks office and asked if I could watch the district court. If the Judge cared he would have sent me out, he even looked at me walking in as the clerk directed me to where to sit in the viewing area and even...
  13. Dustin_z

    Closed Court

    Has anyone ever been into a Closed Court case? I have, I fronted up to the court house and was allowed into a closed court case. I turned up at the beginning of procedings and the clerk allowed me in to observe. I had to stay really quiet and I am not allowed to mention what happened in the...
  14. Dustin_z

    wats the penalty 4 child porn

    You have to realise that a lot of the people that look at child porn are probably more deeply involved than just 'looking' and they get charged with a few more things and get locked up for longer. There was a case just a few weeks ago in NSW where a man was charged under NSW Law for...
  15. Dustin_z

    Hung Jury

    I'm not in favor of 'majority' verdicts. I mean what if only 7 of the 12 jurors say GUILTY? I mean the prosecution would be able to put on a crappy case, have 7 yobbo's on the jury and win the case. We send innocent people to jail even with unaminous decisions, imagine how many more innocent...
  16. Dustin_z

    Hung Jury

    Yeah but what if the Judge agrees with the two jurers that think the person is not guilty? Is a retrial an automatic, iron clad thing? I mean what happens if in a retrial there is ANOTHER hung jury? The system couldn't allow for unlimited retrials, especially if the person really is...
  17. Dustin_z

    Hung Jury

    What happens when there is a 'hung jury'? Lets say two of the jurers on a case think the person is not guilty while the rest think the person is guilty, does this case automatically have a retrial? Are there any website links that have information on the jury system in NSW? I have searched...
  18. Dustin_z

    Fiji instead of Bali

    It is AUSTRALIANS responsibility when it comes to our Government and Policies. It is Indonesians responsibility when it comes to their Government. I won't go to Bali just as much as I wouldn't go to Zimbabwe. Would you go to Zimbabwe for a good old holiday? I mean its not the peoples fault...
  19. Dustin_z

    Fiji instead of Bali

    Well where are the people of Bali in regards to this case? Why should I or anyone support them when they won't even demand a change to their justice system that does go against the most basic humans rights: ----- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (U.N. 1948): Article 11. (1)...
  20. Dustin_z

    Fiji instead of Bali

    I have done more than watch the Media in regards to the Corby case. 1. The prosecutors witness was a customs officer at Bali airport. His evidence was accepted even though it was pretty flimsy 2. The bag of marijuana (not the boogie board bag) was not fingerprinted. The police failed to...