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  1. Harley30

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    Thanks for the idea on the summaries, I might give that a try ey. I find Geography pretty interesting actually. The topics are generally related to stuff I'm interested in, like Urban Places and such. The content of it isnt all that intense or heavy, it's mainly about knowing your stuff. What...
  2. Harley30

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    Adv. English, Gen. Maths, Geog, Ancient Hist. & Senior Science
  3. Harley30

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    Wow, that makes me feel really lazy. I didn't get much work to do over the holidays, cheering! I should probably study, but we'll see how that goes seeing as the procrastination has in! Other plans for the holidays are basically to be nocturnal, and hang out with mates and stuff when they're free.
  4. Harley30

    Economics Survey on shoes

    Name: Harley. Age group: (21 and under, 21-35 or 35+), please pick one. Under 21. Employment (Unemployed, Part time or full time): Unemployed. Do you own a pair of Nike Air Force One’s? No. How many pairs do you have? (Answer not required if not applicable) How much did you...
  5. Harley30

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    '01 Hyundai Accent ftw.
  6. Harley30

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents Not really, they ask how school is going in general, but not about specific classes. If reports are good, all is well.
  7. Harley30

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents Parental pressure isn't cool. The only time I really get it is if I procrastinate and leave assignments to the last minute and such. I don't get pressured to study because I don't tell them the dates of my assessment tasks and such. I only tell them if the outcome is good.