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    a question on hsc results

    soooooo if it says 88 then there is a possibility that i actually only got 78...
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    a question on hsc results

    anyways. i was wondering about how hsc results work. like say if u get your report back and it says that u get 88 in bio or 90 in chem or somethin like that, then is that ur raw mark result? like i mean if it says 88 in bio, is that ur actual mark that u got for ur exams combined with ur...
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    tell me bout how to get ATAR 99

    thanks guys for the big help. derrrr
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    tell me bout how to get ATAR 99

    hey guys. Im a year 11 student. Studyin English Adv, Maths extension 1, Japanese continuers, pdhpe, biology and chemistry. i want to get the provisional dual degree of mbbs and science in uq after i finish school and it needs atar of 99. anyone like to tell me the 'how' element of this? thanks peeps
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    Australian Science Olympiads

    my school is def way too low ranked but im doin it anyways XD
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    yeah u can keep the originality of ur method to urself ;) hopefully by the time i finish school, a good uni provide a dual degree of mbbs n ancient (which is very unlikely). U r definitely a natural strategist. Is making strategies another form of ur art? Lol
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Thanks for reminding me of my laziness lol. Anyways, im actually thinkin of goin to Uni of Qld. Does MBBS there needs chem?
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Gee i really wonder how did u get that high ATAR. XD
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Oh whoops. I dont think i paid any attention to anything. Lol yep chem sounds good. Just out of interest, not like i will do it anything, does bachelor of ancient history needs us to do ancient in our senior?
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Yeah im quite lazy. like seriously even though somehow my scores are good. X but do not worry. i will be careful. Damn u gimme such a good advice. Bleach fan helps other Bleach fan i suppose. ^^ hmmm. After a good think about it, I actually will keep chemistry. I know i love ancient history so...
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Work my arse off? Im pretty lazy u kno So i might try to do ur art of estimating. Lol but anyway thanks for the good advice
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Yeah im actually a high level noob. I listen to pretty much everythin the career teacher said. Damn career teacher.
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    Ancient definitely but i just need chemistry for my med course btw ur signature said u reached 99 ATAR. Good job. How did u do it?
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    Desperately need help on subjects - should i drop chemistry for ancient history

    I hav a major problem here. Right now i hav chemistry as my subject. Im doing it for the sake of needing it in the uni for my med course. The thing is, I love ancient history but it falls on the same line as chemistry. So u guess it. I cant do ancient cuz i hav chemistry. So what do u think...
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    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    English - 82 - Band 5 (really happy cuz im sux at english) Maths - 96 - Band 6 ( Awesomely happy) Science - 88 - Band 5(Unhappy cuz i knew could've done better) Geo - 89 - (neutral) History - 91 - Band 6 ( unhappy cuz it's higher then my science) Computer Skills - 93 - highly competent
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    Good Tips for Year 11 Preliminary and tips to aim for 99.5 ATAR

    Hey guys. I just finish year 10 and starting the preliminary course next year n I would love to hav some tips on how to do well. And also, I'm thinkin of doin medicine in Uni n so im doin these subjects in year 11: English Advanced, Maths Extension 1, Bio, Jap Continuers, PDHPE, Chemistry. Is...
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    Is it safe to do ten units for the HSC

    Well I just finish year 10 n goin to year 11 now and i know i lack the experience compared to u but all my seniors told me that 10 units is way too risky cuz there is ALWAYS room for something to goes wrong. Twelve is better they recommend to be safe n go for 13 at least.