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    **Centrelink Enquiry**

    when does centrelink stop payment for HSC students??? Senario: receiving centrelink as full time HSC student ---> graduate/finish HSC exams in early novemeber (no longer full time student as study finished) ------>bum around till uni starts ----> Full time student again! How are centrelink...
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    math challenge!!!

    Where (mo) is the rest mass, thus the relativistic kinetic energy is: T= mc^2 - (mo)c^2 Find the relativistic kinetic energy of a proton (mo= 1.67x 10^-27kg) moving at 0.9 c and compare this to the value obtained from the classical formula (Ek= 1/2 mv^2) :haha: Goodluck guys
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    Relativity HELP!!

    Where (mo) is the rest mass, thus the relativistic kinetic energy is: T= mc^2 - (mo)c^2 Find the relativistic kinetic energy of a proton (mo= 1.67x 10^-27kg) moving at 0.9 c and compar this to the value obtained from the classical formula (Ek= 1/2 mv^2)
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    Relativity help ASAP!

    1) Alpha Crucis is 522 light years away from us. Imagine that a spacecraft was able to travel to that star at a speed of 0.9999 c. a) How long does the trip take, as observed from earth? b) How much time has passed on the craft's clockes, as seen from earth? c) How much time has passed on...
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    HELP!!!! im sooo confused??

    hey thanks heaps :) everything is much clearer now :haha:
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    HELP!!!! im sooo confused??

    An apollo launch vechicle has a total mass of 3.4x10^6kg at lift off. The first stage contains 2.0x10^6kg of propellants (fuel and oxygen) which is consumed at a rate of 1.4x10^4kg s a) find the minimum thrust of the engines at lift off b) if that thrust (from a ) is sustained, find the time...
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    Orbital height help!!!

    hi for some reason i can not seem to work this out.:uhoh: HELP PLEASE ANYONE QUESTION: find the orbital height at which a satellite would experience g= 4.9m/s
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    Anyone from SMSHS know what 2009 HSC texts were getting for HSC!

    advanced and extension english texts for SMSHS. thanks
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    How Do U Organise All Your Chemistry Notes

    there is just soooo much to keep together wooksheets, dot points and books HOW DO U MANAGE IT!!!!
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    14 Units...too much?

    honestly 14 is a waste of time if only 10 are counted it makes all the difference having those extra studys and time to devote to a more focused routine. you will get amazing marks if you focus on what is really needed with 14 you waste 4 units of hard work! honestly i think you should use...
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    Othello, Appearance vs. Reality

    hey dont hav any free notes for you sorry but i can say that this theme is really good when relating to Othellos "blindness" of desdemona and of his trust in Iago <Othello has a distorted appearance of Iago, believing Iago is a loyal friend Othello fails to see the Reality that Desdemona is...
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    If you're changing schools how do you tell your current school?

    i got in a fight with my yr co-ordinator and told her to go f*#k herself that pretty much sealed the deal LOL
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    Best place you've been?

    bora bora ahhhh love it!!!!!!!
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    Target Uniform

    hey i use to work at target they want you to wear a plain white buttoned shirt just like a school dress shirt 3/4 would be best short sleeve will do. and black pants just black but make sure they are the ones you would wear to school for example. and shoes black like you would for school heels...
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    Your Top/worst Subject?

    best english ext worst physics!
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    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    if it isnt a given text yr 11 change you should do The Great Gatsby it is areally good change one and spark notes LOVES it :D it shows the development of all characters and "ways the changed" AND IT IS A TINY BOOK!!!
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    Acne Help?

    the main ingredient in practive is hydrogen peroxide you can by it in a bottle from the supermarket or pharmacy use on a cotton pad and lightly wipe over face like a toner after you wash your face. i ave done this since i first got pimples in yr 7 and have never had any since :D goodluck