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  1. indielove

    Which history questions did you find retarted?

    i hate vague questions... the HISTORY PAPER was FULL of it.
  2. indielove

    Maths SC Question

  3. indielove

    SC- what did you do to kill time while waiting for the bell to go?

    it was so stupid at our school, like everyone decided to pretend cough at like 10.30! during my MATH EXAM....THEY PLANNNED IT
  4. indielove

    crap supervisors

    LOLOL i sat at the back of the hall and an examiner sat behind me, she helped me seperate my papers because i sucked so bad at it, 90% of my papers are ripped in some way.
  5. indielove

    Anything funny happen in the test today? Anywhere?

    i read twilight prior to the current obsession (well at least in Aus), i read it last year and was quite obsessed, but then it mellowed, its full of anticlimaxes, still a good series though.
  6. indielove


    this old lady like snatched my paper everytime she collected each section. i was like chilaxxx brahhh
  7. indielove

    Lee waited for the phone to ring..

    i did the last one :) it was funnnnn
  8. indielove

    English School Cert. TOMORROW

    LOLOLOLOL yeah
  9. indielove

    English School Cert. TOMORROW

    me toooooooooooooo!
  10. indielove

    Difference between evaluate, assess and discuss?

    evaluate: make judgement based on criteria, determine value of assess: make judgement of value, quality, results of size discuss: identify issues and provide points for and against
  11. indielove

    2007 Science SC question help

    For designing experiements you don't include, results and conclusions. You just have to state in your method how you will obtain results, what instruments your using and the units
  12. indielove

    2007 Science SC question help

    question. When you're asked to describe the experiment, would you be allowed to set it out in an experimental design kind of way? Like this: variables controlled: variables changed: risk Assessment method. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 ? or like you megre all your ideas in one paragraph?
  13. indielove

    2007 Science SC question help

    mmm my teacher said ten times to be on the safe side and conduct the experiment over 2 months.
  14. indielove

    Geography fieldwork?

    woahh dodgy much.....