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  1. OhNivlek2

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: anyone got their jerseys already? I think the committee at my school is still deciding whether to get a jacket or a jersey lol.
  2. OhNivlek2

    What is your motivation to study?

    To beat my enemy AHAHA!
  3. OhNivlek2

    after 5 weeks

    ...Received assessment schedule. I have 5 this year and 35 next year. *faints* I have Society & Culture camp in less than 2 weeks! apart from that, nothing much!
  4. OhNivlek2

    09'ers, Does anyone else feel as though they have lost their perception of time

    I know time is going by so fast. I just looked at my assessment schedule...i have 39 to do x.x!
  5. OhNivlek2

    Summer holiday job?

    I would! But it's just that i never find any :mini!
  6. OhNivlek2

    Hsc 2009 Dates

    Re: 2009 timetable? omg we get out resutls one day before my b'day... :cold:
  7. OhNivlek2

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    When i dropped Business Studies. It was bliss! 6 free periods yet i still have 12 units with no morning/afternoon classes ;D!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. OhNivlek2

    are you a english or maths person?

    Re: English or Maths English? Math is ok until the point where you get stuck on a question for 30 minutes...
  9. OhNivlek2

    Good to have smart friends?

    Most of the people in my group are smart, first in this; first in that -_-. But i prefer to be around smart people, it's like my motivation for the HSC plus i can totally leech their work lol.
  10. OhNivlek2

    What have you sacrificed for the HSC this/next year.

    I don't watch TV anymore. But i play some DOTA. Well i know what to kill off next :)
  11. OhNivlek2

    What SHOULD you be doing??

    Starting my major works My PIP and the history version, the HIP!
  12. OhNivlek2

    2009 HSC English Texts - What are you studying?

    Advanced English! Area of Study: Belonging The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan (i adore this book) Comparative Study Shakespeare: Richard the Third vs. Finding Richard Close Study A dolls house (play) History & Memory Levertov Poetry I think i prolly got the last section wrong LOL, sounds kinda...
  13. OhNivlek2

    If i had known SAC was the last exam, i wouldn't have chosen it.

    Lol. What's wrong with being last. More time to study XD!
  14. OhNivlek2

    Major Projects for yr12

    I have 2! I got the PIP and the HIP? LOL Damn i would have loved to do EE2 but it runs at the same time as modern history >.<! Anyways w/e !
  15. OhNivlek2

    Pip Topic Ideas

    Maybe something about Technological Psychosis will be more interesting!
  16. OhNivlek2

    End Of Year Prelim Report....

    Lol we get ours at the end of this term -_-!
  17. OhNivlek2

    HSC date?

    I can't wait to see the timetable LOL. I hope Society & Culture is last again XD!
  18. OhNivlek2

    Study Discussion

    Re: Write notes or type notes ? I type notes for everything first --> Print it --> and then write a zillion post it's of important stuff and stick all over the notes LOL! Thats what i did my yearlies XD!
  19. OhNivlek2

    The effectiveness of Energy Drinks/Energy-charged food before an Exam?

    I don't mind any. I try not to drink before exams because i'm afraid i might need to go toilet xO! Darren, ahaha.
  20. OhNivlek2

    Does your school offer Society & Culture?

    SOCIETY & CULTURE IS MY FAVOURITE SUBJECT Anyway, yes my school does offer it! But half of my class is dropping it because my teacher suggested that they do because if they can't cope with prelims they won't in HSC. It's a really fun subject and i love it!