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  1. M

    atar estimate.

    high 80s-low 90s, i think the adv english mark is gonna screw him up
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    tell me bout how to get ATAR 99

    have no life (Y)
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    Which year would you rate your best year of high school overall?

    Year 10! Not a care in the world for anything. However yr11 is pretty good too since we don't have to do subjects we don't want to do.
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    Is it possible to survive the year with 14 units for HSC?

    How do you know the top 3 don't offer it? And besides it doesn't matter what school she goes to. However to OP, 14 units is ALOT of workload in yr12, you might want to drop a subject because even with 12 units you still have a backup 2units but a greatly lessened workload.
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    USYD eco lecture

    Just wondering who attended the Eco lecture today and what you thought of it =)
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    Chemistry Question

    Cu2S + O2 -> 2Cu + SO2 n(Cu2S) = m/M = 15.3g/(2x63.55+32.07) = 0.096mol 2 mole of copper is produced from 1 mole of chalcocite. Copper = 2 x 0.096 x 63.55 = 12.2016g % yield = 11.3g/12.2016 x 100 = 92.6% :D
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    Chemistry Question

    In the new version of conq. chem. the answer is 13.082. Mustve been a error in the older book.
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    Related text needed for AOS in Adv Eng

    Hey everyone, For my AOS topic I am doing 'The Human Condition'. I'm already using Lost In Yonkers, a play by Neil Simon. I was wondering if you could help me out here, with preferably a film or short story. Btw I was wondering whether 'Where The Wild Things Are' would be good? Thanks in...
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    Eco - Govt Intervention

    Hey guys just wondering if you could help me out for our Eco task. Here are the points I have to cover: Describe the distribution of income in Australia (use figures to illustrate). How do economists measure income distribution (refer to Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient) Has inequality...
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    English Topic

    I did Romeo & Juliet. Had to write an essay comparing film and play.
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    phy, chem or bio?

    Do chem in line 6 jono :)
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    Choosing HSC subjects

    Why's modern a must?
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    My subject selection.

    That's the problem, you can't "study" maths like any other subject. The only way to prepare for a maths exam is to do the actual questions, but i guess you could call memorising formulas as the only type of study...
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    Can anyone tell me the geography syllabus?

    I don't think there is a need to study for something like geo lol
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    Subject selection and dropping subjects in Yr 12

    Yeh, Yr11 marks have no effect on your Yr12 or HSC.
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    What did you choose for your HSC subjects?

    3eng 3maths 2eco 2chem 2phys
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    Subject Selection Dilemma

    Yeh i'm thinking if i don't need legal for law, why do it? i'm sort of leaning towards doing chem and phys atm. The only reason i'm doing modern is that the essay styles may help with english and it's pretty interesting (unlike Aus. history).
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    Subject Selection Dilemma

    Hi there, our subject selection forms are due at the start of term 3 and i was wondering if you could help me with my choices. At the moment im thinking of doing: 3maths 3eng 2eco (accelerated) ... with 4 units still undecided. Im thinking out of: modern, legal, chem or phys. I hope to do Law...
  19. M

    english advanced or extension 1

    Jono do 3u, its less hassle than picking up another subject which you're probably gonna drop in Yr12 anyway.