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  1. PhilosopherKing

    Careers in mining, oil and gas, enviro stuff

    1/ Do geologists/geology students all drink lots: particularly beer? 2/ Do many hot girls do geology? 3/ Do you have to be able to put up with really hot weather and lots of bugs? (i hate flies)
  2. PhilosopherKing

    General Q's: Commerce/Science, Chemistry major

    Cheers man, only reply wow Yeah I think Chem would be one or two more subjects, but the final year would be almost all chem leading to honours. I'd be doing the economics as side knowledge/a break. Wow that sounds good, I had no idea that Chemists were paid that well, I know the engineers...
  3. PhilosopherKing

    General Q's: Commerce/Science, Chemistry major

    Hi guys, I was just hoping for some general discussion/info on my current preference of Commerce/Science next year. My favourite courses during this year have been Chemistry, Economics + Business Studies and I have done very well in all of them. I am definitely planning on studying...
  4. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    That's actually in the Old Testament, not the New as you proclaimed. Also, I swear you just directly copied what Christopher Hitchens has said on many occassions in interviews/debates, but failed to get the book right. That is: "There you have it ladies and gentlemen, someone who is...
  5. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Also still waiting for the "proof" of moral facts...? Why is nihilism incorrect>? And I'm not asking for a book list. I want YOU to explain it to me.
  6. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    If I bow down now, will you at least have mercy?
  7. PhilosopherKing

    Does God exist?

    If there was any confusion in my original post (apologies granted) its certainly been reciprocated within your reply. You misunderstand- I wasn't saying "take agnosticism" to the extreme, I was saying that if you extend beyond what I would call the "null" atheistic position, a life which...
  8. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Thanks for saying: "I don't understand what you said, so I'll hit the ad hominem button". In fact, a quick review of your posts seems to suggest a most dangerous fundamentalism. Speaking of back to basics, I'd suggest Baggini's A Philosopher's Toolkit: A Compendium of Philosophical...
  9. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Well firstly I was discussing general thoughts of ethics under the blanket of god's existence (assumption). I'd be cautious in your confidence as to the "self-evident" nature of moral facts. We could bring to end the longevity of philosophical enquiry into ethics if you had certain...
  10. PhilosopherKing

    Does God exist?

    Some wild assumptions here. A/gnosticism, whilst often used completely out of context, does have an intellectual basis in describing your epistemic stance in reply to a proposition. It need not have a purely religious basis (I could be agnostic about the existence of "true love"), whereas...
  11. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    I'm new to the thread but it is certainly a vibrant discussion. Deligating from the topic, I was interested in seeing if all theists/deists or any morphed form of "supernaturlist" believes that logic/reasoning is outside the providence of "god"- that they operate and necessarily exist...
  12. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Whilst I'm sympathetic to the religious need for "moral closure" (certainty, per se), I always find it difficult to accept the proposition that "god" alone defines morality. I'd argue that "divine command theory" fails to support the notion of absolute morality. If you posit god as the final...
  13. PhilosopherKing

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    I chuckled at "designer atheists". An intentional pun?