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  1. Q

    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    so scientists are journos now?
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    but on private property, where what ppl where is not as big a deal
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    what? should we take law into our own hands. this is anarchy
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    women dont go to the mosque though
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    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    in addition, even youd agree the murdoch press is more qualified to represent the general consensus on the right than the scientific community
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    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    im talking about abbott's direct action plan, what would the scientific community know about analysing a politicians motives
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    yes, the koran steals a lot of quotes from judaeochristianity
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    ok so everyone just walk around naked. it's not that simple. for the record, i dont think banning the burqa will do any good, im not for or against, im just refuting people's baseless side arguments used to support their claim that the burqa should not be banned
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    it also says kill all the infidels. so what ur highlightinh is a separate issue re contradictions in koran
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    elaborate? i *think* i agree though
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    then why haven't I ever heard a sheikh say that terrorists will go to hell, because that is the opinion of many church leaders re that guy who went crazy and killed left wingers in norway/sweden answer: because they say one thing to the world, and another to muslims. they can't be too strong...
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    even hijaabs are only based on one small passage of the koran, which is up to interpretation they were not prevelant in a lot of muslim countries before the iranian revolution
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    because 9/11 brought these issues to the world's attention they were always there but no-one knew much about it
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    Does the Burka restrict the freedom of women

    they only choose due to social consequences of not
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    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    abbott's plan is capped unlike gillard's, so it is less likely to reach the emissions targets of course ideally, australia should be average in terms of pollution, to be responsible global citizens, but not lose competitiveness in the process
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    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    im talking about global temperatures (and hence temperatures in oz) which is the reason climate change is a big issue, as it will affect the earth's liveablility
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    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    at least my argument has substance why the tax/scheme if its not going to make much difference at all?
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    Juliar betrays australia, destroys our economic future

    this is the opinion of several "the australian" columnists, so this is a general consensus on the right