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  1. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Glad it all went well for you =] Yeah, thats interesting, Id have to say the main users in our store would be under 18 year olds (ie kids), women in the 25-40 age group (very, very rarely get middle aged men using them) and suprisingly, the older people (60+).
  2. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    SpongeHead, SS-Champion... can any one help me... =]
  3. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hmmm what I don't get though is that I have been rostered on specially from 8-11am on the Monday (I don't normally work monday) for training. If all I'm gonna do is read the manual and watch DVD why wouldn't they get me to do it during my normal shift on Saturday (not that I'm complaining of...
  4. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Do you know for a fact, or just guessing? Hahah thanks for the confidence booster, Im soo worried about going to work next week now :P Ok, I just thought it odd that NCR people would still be doing training, but if you guys have just got them, I suppose they would have to do all the cash and...
  5. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Ive got a question, our 'Go Live' Day is tuesday 6/10. What does that mean: ->The 'conversion' happens during morning and they are open for customers to use later in the afternoon, -> its ready to go from the time the store opens -> the conversion happens on monday, staff are trained during...
  6. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    alright guys, lets move on now.... Your career choice should be one which you enjoy with a passion. Retail is a very important industry, and without the many hardworking and passionate people who work in the industry, we would be lost. Well done, ManicAggression, on your career choice, if...
  7. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Were you being trained for NCR software or WoWPoS SCO?? Im being trained for WoWPoS on Tuesday, but it is with the Area Champion - a lady from Woolworths Head Office, not NCR. I wasn't an original attendant when we first got them, so I never got any training at all. They just stuck me in there...
  8. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Yep, well, depending when your store goes live (or if you already have it), but I read on the Go Live documentation that the rollout will be complete by October 31. There are individual Area Champions for the WoWPoS rollout.
  9. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    I'm deadly serious, I couldn't believe it either. I still get people trying to feed their card into that slot, but it has never taken the card in since that one occasion. Miss the EFT machine? - it still happens, people try to feed it into that area that is just an empty area, they have tried to...
  10. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    I felt really depressed after that, at how stupid people can really be. Another story, this is the best... About a month after we got them, someone put their credit card in the 'notes in' slot. It ACTUALLY ate their card, we had to get the keys from downstairs to open it up and extract it from...
  11. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Haha, oh yeah alll the time :P Yesterday, a woman tried putting her $20 in a crack in the notes out area (theres like a join there somewhere and she was feeding her note in there!) Seriously, how thick do you have to be! Also, we have had to cover up the area between the screen and the top...
  12. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hahaha yeah, I didn't know what CSM meant the other day, so I asked here :P. So you didn't notice cause it happens for EVERYTHING not just sausages now? hahaha oh dear...
  13. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Haha thank goodness for that, has upgrading to WoWPoS fixed it by any chance? *crosses fingers in hope* SCO - Self Checkout (ive never called it self checkout though, i just call it self serve)
  14. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    HAHAHA thats hilarious! what a stingy customer, no never had that happen, wish i had though lol. yeah same, cause when u go into the attendant menu it goes all buggy and the screen goes ghosty. YEah, but what if the screen is frozen, cause apparently the supervisor button (the one under the...
  15. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hahaha, well I really dont like to.. but if there is no 'Stop/Start FastLane' and the other option is to call IT, i know what Im doing! Speaking of unplugging, I got this error message on one the other day (running NCR obviously) A customer had just finished her transaction, waiting for the...
  16. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Yes, thats what the manual for WoWPoS says - it certainly aint gonna happen! If we called IT everytime we had a problem we'd spend the whole day on the phone to them! With NCR I usually do 'Stop/Start FastLane' as my first attempt - this seems to fix most problems. I have been told that there is...
  17. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Ah ok, lucky you, wasn't sure what you did :P Wow, it sounds like you had a REALLY old store, glad you finally got a refurb =]
  18. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Are you going to be a self-serve attendant? Did you get brand new checkouts, or were you old ones simply covered over with the stainless steel finish? If they are brand new it would be super if you could take a pic =]
  19. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    Yes, vanilla essence and food colouring - not sure why but I have refused to sell it to an under-18 before, she was not a happy girl LOL.. I think in your mother's case it was just a naive operator who wasn't sure what to do when the screen came up... Is it a government law or Woolworths...
  20. E

    The Woolworths Thread

    welcome to The woolworths Thread treefeet :) we have been discussing the new uniforms for the last few pages, maybe you should checkout the discussion and the photos that have been uploaded, i dont believe that they are similar to BigW though.... new self serve has also been a big point of...