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  1. S

    Guaranteed Medicine at UQ

    Hey sn1p hehehe sorry I stalked you too.. Congrats on the offer!!! Btw how do you know it's bonded or unbonded?
  2. S

    Guaranteed Medicine at UQ

    Also is MD better than MBBS for working overseas/ furthering studies overseas?
  3. S

    Guaranteed Medicine at UQ

    I'm really confused- if I got a bonded offer from UQ do I accept asap and say I would like to be considered for my higher preferences? Would waiting until the 20th decrease my slim chances of getting unbonded at UQ? And would accepting this offer forfeit my chances of getting offers from NSW...
  4. S

    Guaranteed Medicine at UQ

    To anyone currently doing/have done UQ med or pre-med, can you tell me what textbooks you use for science for undergrad please? I have never done bio in my life, and I failed phys too lol, I should probably familiarise myself with content so I don't die in uni..
  5. S

    Med Interview Invitations 2015/16

    Thanks so much Oer! Hahaha I'll never trust atar calculators again.. I'm not too sure how my interview for WSU went, I probably didn't do so well in a couple of stations. Anyway thanks for answering i guess even if I'm lucky enough to get a second round I'll have to srsly ace the interview which...
  6. S

    Med Interview Invitations 2015/16

    So I've been waiting for second round interview offers from UNSW med and... My atar came out as 98.85 and my umat is 92. Does anyone know my chances?
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    Uadel med/dent offers

    Does anyone know how long the UAdel dentistry interviews go for? I need to plan my flights..
  8. S

    Med Interview Invitations 2015/16

    Did anyone get a confirmation email from WSU after booking their interview time? I didn't get one but I heard some did..
  9. S

    Med Interview Invitations 2015/16

    Hey man how did u get the med one I got same 92%tile with 63/65/55 and I got an email saying I didn't make it for med and only for dent.. (And I'm a NSW student- is that the difference?)
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    JMP Interviews - 2016 Entry

    Is there any reason I didn't get one I got 92%tile with s1=63
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    Way too many typos seriously..
  12. S

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    63/65/55 overall: 183 Any chance for monash or uadelaide as an interstate student?
  13. S

    UMAT 2015 Discussion Thread

    What are my chances with med at unsw/uws/une-jmp with atar estimate of ~97.45 and umat 92 percentile?