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    70 ATAR goal or 90 ATAR goal?

    I forgot to bring this up but its probably one of the best reasons to push yourself in HS - Band 6s and high ATARs mean you can find lots of students to private tutor which is the best way to make money in Uni - other than tutoring/lab demonstrating at the uni itself
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    70 ATAR goal or 90 ATAR goal?

    My school was ranked 550ish. I got a 99.10. Not impossible, just rank 1 everything
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    people with 99+ atars, if you failed the first assessment block in y12, what is your comeback plan?

    I mean obviously if you go to James Ruse or North Sydney Boys you can be rank 80 and still get a 99, but for anything worse than rank 100
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    people with 99+ atars, if you failed the first assessment block in y12, what is your comeback plan?

    Unless you're at a decent school, you really need to be securing rank 1s. I was first in every task (school was rank 500+) barring like 3 where I was second, and each one of those really scares you. I ended up being rank 2 overall for Chemistry because in one task I made one silly and got full...
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    70 ATAR goal or 90 ATAR goal?

    I completely disagree on some of these: Your ATAR never expires and most people make their switch just after first year. Especially if you want to move unis, reapplying with your ATAR through UAC is very common. But I was moreso talking about if you change your career goals halfway through year...
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    70 ATAR goal or 90 ATAR goal?

    I could have gotten a mystery mark and still gone into my course (since I had unconditional early entry). That being said, I don't regret the extra study at all. I'm just going to share a few things that might help motivate you: 1. Having a higher ATAR will keep your options open - If you...
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    what is the difference between selection rank and the lowest atar

    No. For any course with a lot of placement (i.e. any course a BOS student might be interested in) you just need to cross the previous years LSR and you'll be fine. There may be a few exceptions from year to year. For example, apparently UTS Law's LSR this year is likely to be a point higher than...
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    Is it too late to change career goals?

    My point is that the two degrees you've identified could not be more different in terms of the careers they lead to; Medicine as a career has a long training (often in excess of 15 years from high school graduation to being a specialist doctor), hands on work, very patient-orientated, mostly...
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    Is it too late to change career goals?

    Medicine with only a 97 is incredibly, incredibly, incredibly unlikely. In my year, a friend with a 99.90 and a 3200 UCAT (which is like what, 96th percentile?) got rejected from all but his last choice med school (USYD), and only got into that due to his low SEIFA reducing the required...
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    How would you do past papers throughout the year, especially in the beginning if you haven't learnt that much content yet?

    do the questions from the topics you've done 🤷 the strive booklets are good for year 12 in this regard
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    Should i quit my job ??

    Probably good to keep a few shifts - depends a lot on your goals, but to be honest a 95 doesn't require a ton of studying, and if you're working one or two shifts a week you'll be fine and the extra dollars are helpful.
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    Getting 90+ atar with Industrial Technology / IT

    Subjects look fine, although I think you're missing one since thats 11 units and normally you need 12 for year 11... If you're really scared just pick up ext 2 and drop industrial design, and youll have 4u, Eng Adv, Phys, SE. Assuming SE will scale well (which is likely since its an application...
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    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    Scholarships are not just "paying course tuition", they're given to you as straight cash - the 6k I got is in the S&P500 now lmao. You also will not be paid your scholarship as soon as your application is accepted, often its split between several instalments over perhaps many years or terms...
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    what is the difference between selection rank and the lowest atar

    ATAR is meaningless to universities, they only care about Selection Rank. Take your ATAR and add all available bonus points you have (for UNSW this is going to be normally either be from Captaincy, Dux, EAPL, or most notably HSCPlus) and you get your selection rank. If your Selection Rank is >...
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    Is it possible to transfer into BCOM from BBUS at UTS and go into 2nd year?

    Heyo, credit transfers aren't documented well so hard to know; I think its unlikely you'd have all of first year 1-1 transferred over. A lot of first year comm courses have summer offerings though so you could get it done.
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    do 1131? why put yourself through the slightly harder course for no reason. My combined mark was like 189 but i still did lower math and got 93 and 94 course marks in them.
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    unsw enrolment- free electives vs general education

    Believe me, its a universal experience to be confused by whats going on - they really throw you into the deep end - just reply or message me if anything else is confusing ya - happy to help in any way i can
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    unsw enrolment- free electives vs general education

    Yeah! Just a heads up, a lot of GEN coded courses will also have non-GEN coded identical courses, for example if you want to take GENS1111 as a free elective but cant as it is GEN coded, you can take the identical course BABS1111. You can't do both courses though as they are listed as exclusions...
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    unsw enrolment- free electives vs general education

    crazy. to answer your question, as long as they are not GEN coded its fine, they can still be general education on the handbook, just cant have a course name that starts with GEN