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  1. sunny

    library etiquette

    I've never used the library to borrow books to do work. :p
  2. sunny

    Build a PC - $1000

    I agree. If you're not looking for a special purpose machine or any particular parts, places like Dell just makes life much easier. Otherwise, you can always spend the time to look for parts. MSY has good prices, but you might line up for a long time only to be on the receiving end of "no...
  3. sunny

    What is this and how do i go around it?

    The error means the listing of that directory (seeing the contents of the directory) is not allowed. Thats set as a permission in the web server, it would apply to anyone going to that directory not just you.
  4. sunny

    Adding software/applications onto a blank CD?

    Zip/archive them into one file before you burn them. You can't really just copy a program onto a CD, then copy it back out later and expect it to work. Sometimes it might, but most of the time the program has other dependencies elsewhere in the computer, or it has some entries in the registry...
  5. sunny

    Endless Loop on Hyperthreaded/Multi-core CPU?

    That would depend on whats done inside the loop.... The OS doesn't crash because its a loop doesn't end, it crashes because something is done repeatedly inside the loop that causes the OS to crash. If its something like chewing up small amounts of memory, then evetually you will have no memory...
  6. sunny

    disk imaging issues

    Yes its possible. Thats usually how bigger companies deploy their machines - each machine is ghosted an image of their default installation of Windows and applications. You'll have a problem booting Windows though because of product activation since the OS is going to be on a different hard disk.
  7. sunny

    Racecourse? How do we get there?

    Thats what the FAQ/Sticky is for.
  8. sunny

    easy to use website design software?

    I wouldn't call Dreamweaver easy to use, or particularly cheap either. Nvu is a decent WYSISYG HTML editor.
  9. sunny

    Racecourse? How do we get there?

    http://community.boredofstudies.org/589/general-university-new-south-wales/33488/unsw-examinations-faq.html Stickied again for another lot of exams!
  10. sunny

    iPod Alternatives (iPod Lovers Not Allowed To Post Their Love For the iPod)

    I agree, iRivers are good machines, but the iPods sure have style and looks going for them.
  11. sunny

    HELP! C-Programming assignment (uni)

    1. You are comparing Type to B, b, C, c, T and t, but those variables (B, b, C, c, T and t) have never been given any values. Imagine being told in math to do: Type = 1 Is Type = x true? You can't answer this since x doesn't have a value. 2. Never mind. 3. Fix 1 first. 4. #defining True...
  12. sunny

    HELP! C-Programming assignment (uni)

    1) validateVehicleType is passed C, c, B, b, T and t, whose values have never been initialised. 2) Why pass validateVehicleType as arguments when C, c, B, b, T and t are already module wide variables? 3) validateVehicleType's if block is using = not == 4) Theres true and theres false, don't...
  13. sunny

    General Education (Gen Ed) FAQ

    You can do as many as you can fit. Usually you can only fit one in winter and 2 (or more) in summer.
  14. sunny

    Getting Transparencies printed on campus

    Theres a transparency only copier in the ground floor of the library.
  15. sunny

    MS word problem

    Its a bug in Microsoft Word. Update to the latest patches and it should be fine.
  16. sunny

    Two's comp > Base 10

    See if these help: http://community.boredofstudies.org/285/option-software-developers-view-hardware/37538/converting.html?highlight=binary http://community.boredofstudies.org/285/option-software-developers-view-hardware/34534/binary-subtraction-questions.html?highlight=two%27s+complement
  17. sunny

    Saving flash files

    If the page is simple, then look at the source code of the page, then load the swf directly in your browser and save it using the browser's own save function.
  18. sunny

    Conversion Methods

  19. sunny

    How to Make Firefox Faster?

    I can't find the thread, but filter for http in about:config and change the max connections/requests settings. Yes it does...it lets the browser open up more simultaneous connections to the server rather than letting you flood the server. Changing this setting goes against the HTTP spec...
  20. sunny

    Help with c++!! Urgent!

    read endnumber validate endnumber, use scanf as suggested sum = 0 for num from startnumber to endnumber if num < 10 or num mod 2 == 0 or num mod 3 == 0 then do nothing else sum += num end if end for print sum This should do the job according to your description, not sure why you...