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  1. Will Shakespear

    I was talking to a school teacher...ON MANHUNT! O_O

    Dude, dob him in to some authority and post the results/transcripts on here.
  2. Will Shakespear

    Girls in Engineering?

    he's right.
  3. Will Shakespear

    "Recession" and University applications

    the unis pretty much all increase their intake every year, which means two things: a) the cohort coming in is the largest ever, every year b) the cohort leaving (graduating) is the smallest currently there as a result the place gets more like a high school every year :S
  4. Will Shakespear

    Polygamy in Australia...

    How about when Lot's daughters got him drunk and sexed him so they could have kids? and on that topic... will legalizing gay marriage lead to legalizing INCEST???
  5. Will Shakespear

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    how the hell can you equate Origin of Species with any of those other texts?
  6. Will Shakespear

    Homosexuality in Australia

    wait so he endorsed the rules, but he also cancelled out all the rest of them? :confused:
  7. Will Shakespear

    The Great BOS canon of literature

    ok first entry: G. Leonard - Punished for Love
  8. Will Shakespear

    STAT1070 course

    if you don't have a good working knowledge of vector calculus and complex analysis, it's F territory for you in this course
  9. Will Shakespear

    Do you care about people dying when engaged in risky behavior

    the government should ban everything dangerous or distasteful oh wait
  10. Will Shakespear

    Five teens die in worst smash ever seen

    I need to tow 2.3 tonnes on a regular basis outside work.
  11. Will Shakespear

    know anyone asexual?

    yeah, it's called being fucking dead for 65 years
  12. Will Shakespear

    Five teens die in worst smash ever seen

    i'm going to hell news.com.au images of their friends' tributes... it's like looking at a car crash :o note the empties everywhere "remembering our friends through littering" alcohol tributes to underage hoons, seriously how fucking stupid are these people goodnight sweet prince...
  13. Will Shakespear

    Five teens die in worst smash ever seen

    RIP the tree that they hit <: (
  14. Will Shakespear

    Be honest, what's more stupid, being a Muslim or being a Christian?

    Well, Islam is less likely to be true, since it requires certain things about Judaism and Christianity to have been true in the first place. (the Quran contains a few historical mistakes that Mohammed and co made when they were plagiarising the Bible) But, at least Islam is more consistent...
  15. Will Shakespear

    Loan shark, hero or something in between?

    what? blind people have to be able to hate them too, you know.
  16. Will Shakespear

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    no we don't try understanding what evolution and cosmology say first
  17. Will Shakespear

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    How do you know there was ever nothing?
  18. Will Shakespear

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    If someone asks me, "what was the state of the universe prior to the big bang" (if that even makes sense, since time started with the big bang), or "what caused the big bang", I'd say "I don't know, and neither does anyone else". This statement is both correct (for now), and requires 0 faith...
  19. Will Shakespear

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    Creationists are the only ones who claim scientists ever said things "poof out of nothing by chance"
  20. Will Shakespear

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    Faith is the rejection of evidence. Rejection of evidence leads to all manner of very real problems - refusal of Afghani parents to allow their kids to be vaccinated for example. Refusal of medical treatment for diabetes because the parents prefer to pray. Truth - whatever that might be - is a...