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  1. Supaman92

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    I regret doing ancient history in year 11, that's why i'll be dropping as soon as we get the chance
  2. Supaman92

    Anyone up for Asian Studies and International Relations at UWS?

    Add to that: -Will you have the opportunity to do a semester in an asian country? (or is that only ANU?) -How much is the workload? I'm considering doing International studies at whatever uni's that offer it in 2010, it seems really interesting :D
  3. Supaman92

    Organising Work (merged)

    Well for year 12 im going to have an excercise book + a folder (for handouts that can't be stuck in) for each subject, i find that the easiest way to study
  4. Supaman92

    UAI/HSC: How well does your school go?

    I'm just curious as to how many people in your school get like above 90, 95, 99+ UAI's? and what's your school rank? I don't want any one to go 'it's not the school that matters its the amount of work you put in' because YES I REALISE THAT that, but you know just wondering that's all :D ciao:)
  5. Supaman92

    Show Us Your Preparation For Hsc!

    I've started to gather textbooks for my subjects, but i'm not sure what i'll get from my school so im waiting till the second week to buy/borrow more textbooks. So far though i've probably only got around 20-30 books (that is including, textbooks, 'guides', and past paper books) Iyounamu, you...
  6. Supaman92

    Accelerated maths anyone?

    i'm only accelerating 2units, our school doesn't have a 3unit accelerating program :( and i meant to say 97-98% in the external exam. i'm not going to put a heap of pressure on myself, but im going to try and do at least a past paper a day till the exam. lol to be honest, i'd love to be...
  7. Supaman92

    Accelerated maths anyone?

    Hey, first of all sorry if i put this thread in the wrong place, im pretty clueless lol, but yeah i was wondering who here is doing accelerated maths? and what sort of preparation are you guys doing for it seeing that this is the only HSC exam we'd be worrying about? (as opposed to the 08ers, or...
  8. Supaman92

    Wall Street Crash

    So does anyone have a simple, easy to understand explanation of what happened to global economy? Was it simply the congresses fault as some articles have suggested? Ive done some reading but its not that clear to me yet. This will have a lot of impact on what we do in class for eco so yeah I'd...