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  1. foram

    Your favoutire exam conditions

    My teacher smiles when people answer the questions correctly. :D
  2. foram

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    I reckon chemistry is easier than japanese. :D You're 10 days older than me. :eek:
  3. foram

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    Its about the same, but if i had to take a guess, i would say modern is on average sllightly better. :D
  4. foram

    What course are you aiming for in uni?

    You're obsessed with telling people to do that... :D
  5. foram

    Your favoutire exam conditions

    my teacher looks at mine, frowns, then smiles and nods his head. the he goes and frowns at somebody elses paper. :D
  6. foram

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    12 Units 4U math Physics Chemistry Economics Adv.English :D
  7. foram


    their schools conservative, they're high UAI estimates are around 98 even though everybody gets over 99. It's proberly just to make them work harder. :D
  8. foram

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    I hate english ext too. :D Anything englishy is bad for me. I can't wait till I can replace 3U english with 4U math. :D
  9. foram


    he won't get any where near 95. It'll be 99.5+ :D
  10. foram

    Neatness of notes

    Your friends cool. I'm kinda like that about the cables at the back of my computer. I feel bad whenever I look behind my computer because it's soo messy, and nothing I can do can make them neat again!! Drives me insane, I understand how your friend feels about your book. :D
  11. foram

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    Ext 2 Math (4 Units) = Ext 1 (2 Units) + Ext 2 (2 Units)
  12. foram

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    I'm dropping 3U english!! I'm allergic to english.
  13. foram

    2007 HSC Rankings - EVERY SCHOOL LISTED.

    2 band 6's! Why does anybody go to that school! Its sooo bad.
  14. foram

    books or folders

    I tear out my pages and throw them away... because it's all illegible. :D
  15. foram

    Neatness of notes

    Textbooks are the best. :D
  16. foram

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? It's the best. I don't think macmillan is bad, but it's arranged out of wack, so it's not good for studying before a test. I find that some of the explanations are good and it has most of the stuff, even it it's out of order of the syllabus.
  17. foram

    dropping subject.. any advice??

    your subjects arn't too hard, but considering your 4U math marks, I think you should just stop trying, and let the 2units of extention 1 math count since you're good at that.
  18. foram

    Neatness of notes

    Yea, why do they have to be so picky about presentation. Theres this teacher at my school who demands everything to be exactly as she wants. I remember in year 8, we had to write something in geography, and mine started with "How". The teacher chucked a giant tantrum at me saying "I told...
  19. foram

    Neatness of notes

    The teacher isn't gay. He's sexist!! Grr, he lets the girls on the bus first, and he makes the boys put up the chairs while the girls get to leave, he makes boys carry heavy stuff like computers and moniters while the girls get to carry a keyboard or a mouse, and he gets angry at boys that don't...
  20. foram

    Neatness of notes

    Theres a teacher who hates Times new romans, and he said something along the lines of, "If anybody hands in an assignment in Times New Romans, I will be a very hard marker for that assignment. " He also said "Never, never, and I mean never, use rainbow colored wordart."