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    Can a teacher from your school tutor you?

    i dont know about your schools but my school techers are allowed 2 tutor us it goes 4 an hour after school and is really useful :D :o

    Good Scaling Subjects?

    thats what i was told by the board of studies

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    teacher goes 2 me that the hsc exam will be similar the specimen paper. she once had sat for a trail paper for i.t and turined out 2 be the same for her hsc so yeh....i dun0

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    lol my trail paper wasssss the specimen paper <!-- / message -->

    Good Scaling Subjects?

    4u maths is the same scalling as Genral maths VET I.T isnt a good scaller its scales you down relly bad followed by legal others are goddd:):)

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    yep yepp lol wer all cumin 2nd funii

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    ohhh k thats aighttt. only 2 topics are pissing me off is the Data stufff eg lik excel n acces and run standrad diagnostics oh well gudluk 4ya:D :D :D :D :D

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    have ya studied 4 it or nahh

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    which school are you both at??? if you dont mind me asking me i go condell park
  10. UNZPME

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    u srsss lol exactly like me im cumin 2/12 just missed out on 6marks i finihsed em all though lol;)
  11. UNZPME

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    yep it is:)
  12. UNZPME

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    well my school didnt even offer us any text book lol tightasses so they just gave us notes and readings and handouts whats worse that i have a class of only 12 students nobody has been passing besides me and friend .... but yeh and i herd one of the teacher sayin that this would be a hard exam...
  13. UNZPME

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    ohhhh shittt but :S:S:S how cum u dont have any notess....isnt there eny text books???
  14. UNZPME

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    the best thing is to go over you notes from school thats what im doing its reaaly useful insted of lookin on d net 4 info
  15. UNZPME

    Who here goes to Alpha-Omega Tutoring centre?

    yeh tru he does have excellent notes;)
  16. UNZPME

    Who here goes to Alpha-Omega Tutoring centre?

    yeh it is gudd it reely helped me alot in maths and english it pulled my ranking up from 5th to 1st in both subjects:)
  17. UNZPME

    Who here goes to Alpha-Omega Tutoring centre?

    ME :karate: :karate: :karate: :karate: :karate: i go 2 the 1 in bankstown :ninja: