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  1. muzeikchun852

    Distinctively visual essay question changed, what to do?

    take it out for the trial and prepare your supplementary for the hsc.
  2. muzeikchun852

    Questions/Past Papers to study

    just get past papers and pick out the questions that you want. or you can buy one of those excel book/textbook and get questions from there.
  3. muzeikchun852

    In home Chemistry experiments

    soft drink / soda water
  4. muzeikchun852

    would advanced maths/actuarial studies be too much work?

    I dont think it will(: bump for more comment .
  5. muzeikchun852

    Revising for Trials and HSC exams.

    just flip through the concept and then past paper(:
  6. muzeikchun852


    this is random.
  7. muzeikchun852

    UNSW B Commerce/Economics & HSC Plus

    yes. check their website for specific references.
  8. muzeikchun852

    Independent vs Catholic trials...

    exactly what my teacher said. especially cem. repped both.
  9. muzeikchun852

    Independent vs Catholic trials...

    according to my teacher independent is harder than cssa generally.
  10. muzeikchun852

    Need Help on these questions!

    galvanic cell flows from anion to cation (negative to positive) right? and more reactive metal displace the less reactive metal right? so firstly, the polarity of Zr with Mg is (-), hence Mg > Zr secondly, the polarity of Zr in the next two is (+), hence Zr > Ni, Zr > Zn but to see whether Zn is...
  11. muzeikchun852

    polynomials question

    that's the easiest method i think.
  12. muzeikchun852

    Do you self-learn in Yr 11 and 12?

    i personally wont just go off and learn the content myself. but if im in a hurry to learn the content (i.e. 30 dot points in one week), i would rather learn it on my own.
  13. muzeikchun852

    Can I do Commerce + a language @ UNSW/USYD?

    if you so commerce/art at either unis, they will allow you to do up to 2 majors in commerce facilities and 2 majors in arts facilities. so you can do whatever you previously said. I don't think there is any difference between the two. obviously they are named differently because of their uni...
  14. muzeikchun852

    is it easy to get a cadetship?

    those people who got one are one of those people who cram all day long before exam and getting 70s in every subjects. (obviously there are exception)
  15. muzeikchun852

    is it easy to get a cadetship?

    is it easy to get a cadetship? because some people, whom i wouldn't consider them as academically brilliant, got accepted into one of these cadetships. what is a cadetship? and is it easy to get one?
  16. muzeikchun852

    Who is starting to stress?

    a bit but not as much as other people I know. I have 2u japanese trial tmr and I'm planning to chill tonight(:
  17. muzeikchun852

    Back to School

    surprisingly most people (7 out of 10) at my school use their free productively(: