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  1. S

    suggest some shit for me to do at uni

    fairly sure newcastle wanted umat scores around the 180s 2 years ago, should still be the case
  2. S

    suggest some shit for me to do at uni

    oe if u can get 80+ umat and 99+ atar you should just make it into getting interviews, which you'll then need to destroy i received an interview (done my hsc in 09) at unsw with 99.3 and 83%ile with uws, its a bit different, they take your marks for ur first 2 sections and half of ur third...
  3. S

    suggest some shit for me to do at uni

    u r asian wat i thought u were white weird
  4. S

    More Ext2 Integration help needed please

    \int \frac{x+2}{3(x^2+x+1)} =\frac{1}{3}\int \frac{x+1+1}{x^2+x+1} =\frac{1}{3}\int \frac{x+1}{x^2+x+1}+\frac{1}{x^2+x+1} you should be able to do these now
  5. S

    More Ext2 Integration help needed please

    \frac{sec^{2}x}{tan^{2}x-1} =/= sec^{2}x(tan^{-2}x-1)
  6. S

    Do me (you sexy beasts)

    depending on your chem and english marks in the end, id say youre at a minimum of 99.7, but very likely to be at 99.85+
  7. S

    How much do you have in bank?

    dont get raped when ur as high as the sky
  8. S

    Integration by Substitution help needed please

    mate youve just got to accept and live with it
  9. S

    Integration by Substitution help needed please

    tan pi/2 is infinity basically or approaches it thus 1/tan(pi/2) is like saying 1/10000000000000000000000000 which is pretty much going towards 0 do u understand
  10. S

    How much do you have in bank?

    bro wat the fuck did u honestly think that was funny or cool or wat the fuck i dont even.... why would you post some shit like that
  11. S

    How much do you have in bank?

    on a more serious note, i do my fair bit of intraday trading
  12. S

    Integration by Substitution help needed please

    cosec x is (sinx)^-1 then do it via t method or someshit
  13. S

    How much do you have in bank?

    last statement had it at ~17k probably be ~15.5 this time of month should get to ~21 by the end of the month
  14. S

    Integration by Substitution help needed please

    because as x approaches infinity tan inverse x approaches pi/2
  15. S

    Private vs. Public Schools!

    lol wat have u been to a private school?
  16. S

    Private vs. Public Schools!

    at the end of the day it does come down to the school strictly high school speakin, i went to 3 public schools (got expelled from 2 of them, in years 8 and 9, and left the 3rd in year 10 because it was a shit hole) and i went to a private school in my final 2 years of school the education is...
  17. S

    today tonight

    lol fuck bro didnt she leave like 5 or so years ago
  18. S

    Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks?

    fuck up sinophile how u doin bro had any new interestin sexual experiences u wana share (giv me a good story i need some good entertainment)