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  1. someth1ng

    Predictions for Chemistry 2014 HSC?

    All options are wrong.
  2. someth1ng

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    15, 18, 20 Rock solid.
  3. someth1ng

    is physics as hard as people make it out to be ?

    it's hard at uni but easy in high school since the level of maths is quite low in HSC physics.
  4. someth1ng

    Moderation of option topic

    Yeah, options scale a bit but it's typically 1-2 marks, at best.
  5. someth1ng

    This is literally driving me crazy

    It's beyond the syllabus - the same thing occurs for all carbon rings based on benzene. Basically, what actually happens is that the double bonds you see in the structure, the electron pair that makes the double bond can be passed on to the adjacent single bond. What you actually see is a...
  6. someth1ng

    Zn metal in ZnSo4

    I would imagine that there would be an exchange of zinc atoms. Some Zn2+ would deposit and be reduced while some on the metal will be oxidised.
  7. someth1ng

    what exactly is biomedical engineering?

    If you don't like physics and computing, don't do it. You need both of those.
  8. someth1ng

    Predictions for Chemistry 2014 HSC?

    Pretty much what happened to me - if I had increased my English mark by like, 5, I would probably have gotten into the 98s (from 96.50).
  9. someth1ng

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    Correct answer, 1 point to antheung!
  10. someth1ng

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread 2014.

    I have lots of assignments to do...fun. This is like, the second hurdle of the semester - the first one was week 5/6. This one is twice as big, though.
  11. someth1ng

    Removing the Mg+2 and Ca+2 ions from hard water

    I would say that it doesn't matter if you do (s) or (aq) for NaHCO3 because they would both exist. It's produced as (aq) before it becomes (s) but I'd say both are fine.
  12. someth1ng

    Combustion: Liquid or gaseous water?

    Gaseous because it's a vapour but it doesn't matter too much.
  13. someth1ng

    Whitehaven Coal

    To me, it's not all about solving climate change by divesting but rather, showing that university doesn't support mining activities that have adverse effects on the environment. Being a university, it should have some vision and divesting is a good start to that. Plus, coal use is probably going...
  14. someth1ng

    Whitehaven Coal

    From "your whinging..." till the end. Renewable energy has been shown to be pretty much as cost effective as coal and it's ignorant to say go get a science degree and make it more efficient. Fact is, the technology is easily good enough but misleading information prevails because the climate...
  15. someth1ng

    Whitehaven Coal

    There are plenty of things that are profitable - not just coal. The post is a load of shit and the second half is scientifically ignorant.
  16. someth1ng

    2014 Chemistry Marathon Thread

    You can use the existing thread.
  17. someth1ng

    what is the conjugate acid of base C5H5N?

    You put it on at the end with the N to show that it's attached to the nitrogen atom.
  18. someth1ng

    Whitehaven Coal

    I don't have a problem with it, to be honest. The things they did on campus were within reason. If they said the campus was closed like it actually was closed (on Facebook), i wouldnt agree with it but doing it on campus to make a point is fine. Sent from my Optimus 4X HD using Tapatalk
  19. someth1ng

    Please help me ASAP! prelim chem help

    Chemistry isn't one of those subjects where you can completely forget year 11 content, you should revise it during the holidays.
  20. someth1ng

    Multiple choice tips & tricks?

    If you know your work, MC is easy 20 marks. If you're struggling, you really need to clear up your understanding of the course.