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  1. B

    Timetabling and class times

    Hi I was figuring out my timetable and I have Law and Science classes right after one another (not really a surprise, but annoying that they will be on different sides of campus). Does the lectures/labs usually finish on time or start late? Because it looks as though I am going to have to...
  2. B

    Anyone travel from Castle Hill to UNSW??? What's it like?

    Does anyone know the bus number that runs from Central station to UNSW?
  3. B

    Enviro. Science degree confusion

    I was wondering what happens if you don't complete honours in the Environmental Science degree, would you still get the degree with a (major) after it? or would you not get the degree at all? Thanks
  4. B

    Anyone going for science at UNSW!! lets be friends

    I'll be doing environmental science next year, might see you around!!
  5. B

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    ^^ great idea, I did mine via my high school and it took like 6 weeks to arrive in the post.
  6. B

    Biology state ranker's mark

    Apparently they were really fussy when marking. Maybe because many found it easier than past years.
  7. B

    Environmental Science Lab?

    I was fiddling around with rectangles for environmental science courses, and a huge proportion of each course each week is lab. I can guess that this involves experiments and dissections, are they interesting??
  8. B

    BOS ATAR Estimations

    I was estimated at around 93 (one I tried was 93.05) at I ended up getting 94.65. I think this was because Biology and Legal scaled well, but I guess we will have to wait and see the scaling tables that they usually release.
  9. B

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    Thanks, this is all really helpful stuff :) I know we have to do 4 courses per semester, are we doing them all simultaneously throughout the 19 weeks of the semester??
  10. B

    UNSW Law Cut-off

    Since on their website they say they have had increased popularity http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/news/2012/12/preference-popularity-unsw-law so I would say the ATAR would be higher, I don't know by how much though. I, although, hope it's 99.65 :)
  11. B

    ATAR 'devalued by use of bonus point schemes'

    It's definitely fair though.
  12. B

    EAS Disadvantaged school

    Hey, I attend a disadvantaged school and had an EAS application automatically applied for. Does anyone know how many bonus points it gives you? I intend to study at UNSW and they do take it into consideration when giving offers.
  13. B


    I am a sad panda too! Somehow fucked up Biology and English was dissapointing since I worked so very very hard.
  14. B

    Daily Telegraph/SMH publication of Merit List/ and School ranks

    Not sure, my mum wanted to know this too...
  15. B

    Estimate your own ATAR

    I'll be ecstatic with anything over 95, purely because then I can choose what course I get into
  16. B

    AAA Scholarship

    Same! :D Apparently my definition of "nominated" differs from UNSW's
  17. B

    Worthwhile doing Adv Science/Law

    I have intended to do advanced science (tailored to be an environmental science degree) for some time and was wondering if a combined degree in law would be beneficial when becoming an environmental scientist working in a company. Obviously the company would have to comply with environmental...
  18. B

    UNSW AAA scholarship question -Law

    Advanced science/law here i come!!! Haha there was no way I was getting 99.65+