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  1. T


    haha absolutezero gave me recognition.....I feel special! :D
  2. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    Someobody tell me what Romanticism is please haha
  3. T

    Site Update

    ....+1 hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  4. T

    kinda noobish question but what does it mean by rep power??

    haha yeah true, i was thinking of doing that, like i could go shit in maths and do really well in religion so maths wouldnt be counted ahaha.
  5. T

    Site Update

    Hopefully when the site is restored. there will be no more complainers :)
  6. T

    kinda noobish question but what does it mean by rep power??

    yeah, if you go to a catholic school, they make you do a compulsory religion subject either 1 or 2 unit, which count to your HSC, but if you do catholic studies it doesn't but decided to do 1 unit to get some insurance back on my Atar if i screw up in any subjects :)
  7. T

    what was your first day at uni like??

    LOL, so pretty much, if you want to make friends dont ask that question
  8. T

    what was your first day at uni like??

    How about, you can impress them with your atar of 95.40? id be shocked if they had a higher atar then you :P
  9. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    yeah, i would be stoked with an atar like that even if i didnt do anything hahaha :)
  10. T

    what was your first day at uni like??

    Ok so im just wondering what your first day of uni was like, I have less than a year of school and im worried about starting uni and the whole expierience haaha :D
  11. T

    Social life at UTS

    study hard hit the books, id say!
  12. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    whered u get the resources from ultraman?? :) i would like some hahaha :)
  13. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    and get an atar of 80.85 hahaha xDDDD
  14. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    yeah, they say its easy because they get to do whatever in there story.
  15. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    I heard ex1 eng scales well and is really easy from people in our year??
  16. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    That would suck if you crap in english haha.
  17. T

    I uploaded 17 English Past Papers for your study pleasurr.

    Thanks alot! would be studying them this holidays :D
  18. T

    how much Study have you done During holidays??

    Is it true they count english in your top 8 subjects even if you do crap?