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  1. Galladrim


    Me too :mad2: Can't wait until its history! (The exam that is);) It'll all be over in 21 hours :party:
  2. Galladrim

    How difficult is it to get an E4?

    Mine isn't postmodern either. To my mind it's become a bit of a fad really. Consider it from the markers point of view. If nothing else its a relief from consistent nihilism.
  3. Galladrim

    Past Extension 2 English Candidates...

    Don't sit there waiting for it to jump out at you. Believe me, I tried. :uhoh: :idea: Select areas of personal interest to you - issues, people, literary works, films etc. Do some reading + research on them, and find an area that you can pursue further. The sky is really the limit Making...
  4. Galladrim

    2012 History Ext Roll Call?

    I totally agree. What is it with these subjects? Or is it just us :awesome:
  5. Galladrim

    2012 History Ext Roll Call?

    Good Luck! It's a good course. You should enjoy it.
  6. Galladrim

    Taking Legal Action against school

    Wow. That is harsh. I am the only person who's doing History Extension at my school. And they arranged a class.:uhoh: Feeling slightly guilty now.
  7. Galladrim

    Is it just me... HSC overrated?

    Is there anything publicly represented that hasn't been over rated or exaggerated in some manner?
  8. Galladrim

    General Thoughts: EE1

    This was actually a very nice exam compared to what I was expecting. Fingers crossed now!
  9. Galladrim

    Katich will never wear the baggy green while Clarke is captain

    Micheal Hussey... About the same age. Currently one of our most in-form batsman. Katich was there long before Clarke was. He should never have been dropped, and there was no reason to drop him. Appalling waste.
  10. Galladrim

    General Thoughts: SOR I

    Re: General Thoughts: Studies of Religion I :blink2: I feel like an idiot now. Sorry about that.
  11. Galladrim

    Carbon Tax

    What I'm not convinced about is that it will reduce electricity consumption and encourage greater efficiency in energy output. What's the elasticity of demand patterns for electricity? If you can simply "off-put" your emissions by paying lots of extra money for them, then the stuff is still...
  12. Galladrim

    Only knowing two areas of debate for your case study...

    Sorry man, I've got three ready to go. :P
  13. Galladrim


    One does not require the justification of religion to resort to violence.
  14. Galladrim

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do you believe is God? I can't see the wind. Does that mean it doesn't exist? I can feel it. I see it through its actions, how it brushes against trees and bushes and makes them move.
  15. Galladrim

    Gaddafi wasnt bad

    http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-world/gaddafi-salted-away-about-200-billion-20111022-1md9z.html I think a man who managed to scurry away $200 billion from the proceeds of his country isn't getting much sympathy from me. However certainly no one deserves to die in the manner that he did...
  16. Galladrim

    Occupy Wall St

    If I want to lie around at home all day I can do that as well can I? Are you a politician? People might vote for you!
  17. Galladrim

    Anyone not going to schoolies?

    An excellent plan. I may follow it. But I may get out with people every once in a while....
  18. Galladrim

    English Ext 1, October 31st

    I wonder what I'm going to spend this weekend doing.....
  19. Galladrim

    Will you be spending the whole hour on the Creative piece?

    Probably going to spend 45-50 on the creative really, and use the extra time for the essay.
  20. Galladrim

    General Thoughts: SOR I

    Re: General Thoughts: Studies of Religion I Sorry but there is a difference between ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, and the question asked for the former. Everything else is good though.