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  1. S

    Section IV - Extended Response

    Re: Business Studies Section IV: Extended Response $$$$ For question 26 $$$$ MY ANSWERS WERE (obviously extended repsonses): outline 2 social responsibilities = quality of working life, ecological sustainability?? recommend one global marketing strategy = international area structure?? 2 key...
  2. S

    Hey thanks heaps for the quick reply and newcastle uni woulda been great except im moving soon...

    Hey thanks heaps for the quick reply and newcastle uni woulda been great except im moving soon to nth parra coz of family problems and it would be too far to travel to newy so I did put business courses for UTS and MQ as my first choices and most UWS courses last so hopefully i just get into UTS...
  3. S

    what is so bad about UWS?

    How is UWS for B Business/Commerce its at 72.55ATAR dis yr and I want to get into that because Im pretty interested in doing this course at UWS but in this thread people are sayin medicine and law are great and other courses are shit so hows Business/commerce ? Thanks
  4. S

    Assesment ranks come out ?

    oh wow okay i was told it be sooner then that but thanks
  5. S

    How does attending a dumb school affect my ATAR?

    LOL amelia my skools ranked 620s LOL jus study fark
  6. S

    Assesment ranks come out ?

    When do the assesment ranks for schools come out for us so we can check on studentsonline ?
  7. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    was this to parramatta campus though coz thats the only campus im going for
  8. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    Thanks guys ^^
  9. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    hahaha nice bro is dat wat your doing lolz yeah i might jus put da computing in but, chances are I get into business straight up :) by da way bro wat campus u wanna go for your course, i wanna go parra is dat still easy to get into coz i aint goin to penrith or campbeltown fack dat
  10. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    LOL funny kid, well yeah hopefully ay man but i wana get into business -marketing which is 72.55ATAR u think i can get dat?
  11. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    Yeah i kno ay, but if we do relle good in da HSC dey cant scale us down heaps low for e.g if we get like 85 in every subject dey wnt bring us down to 60 jus coz asses marks were avg so basically if u study hard in this last month u cant go wrong ;)
  12. S

    Good enough for UWS?

    I did hear about a few people who got in with a UAI much less than the cut off but I think it depends on certain courses, I want to do marketing in business at UWS so hopefully their not going to be too strict on the cut off in case I dont get the 72.55ATAR
  13. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    Thanks anyone else got suggestions :D and please be honest I dont mind if you say what you really think for e.g if you want to say ill get 60 go for it.
  14. S

    Good enough for UWS?

    Thanks anyone else got suggestions :D
  15. S

    Atar estimate help please!!

    Those are some nice marks depends a tiny bit on your schools ranking but either way you'll be getting above 98ATAR just keep it up ;)
  16. S

    Atar estimate help please!!

    get 85% plus in each of those subjects in the HSC and u could b lookin at around 90ATAR
  17. S

    Atar Range?

    If you get 83% or more in all those subjects in the HSC u could deff expect from 85-95ATAR ;)
  18. S

    Good enough for UWS?

    Thanks heaps and yeah im studyin like 4hrs a day but so far ive just been doing business studies coz im guna get band 5/6 in da exam for it (determination ;) but yeah ill start maths in a week or so haha.
  19. S

    Good enough for UWS ?

    LOL thanks cuzz after hsc well celebrate n go auburn for kebab hahaha tc.