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  1. Riachain

    New retailers opening in Semester 1

    So what if it's a fast food court? I've seen fast food courts (the ones where you don't wait, you just order and they scoop and serve) with Japanese stores that served curries, takoyaki, tempura, croquettes, etc. In universities, department stores, etc. Maybe it's because I come from a country...
  2. Riachain

    New retailers opening in Semester 1

    Sushi stores? I don't want sushi. I want ramen, Japanese curries, takoyaki - Japanese food isn't just sushi. e___e;
  3. Riachain

    New retailers opening in Semester 1

    I'd prefer some other healthier, yet just as delicious, food store - like Japanese or Korean restaurants. <3
  4. Riachain

    New retailers opening in Semester 1

    I'm hoping that The Chemist stays, because it has some pretty cheap stuff and I can get any prescribed medicines there. If it stays, I'm pretty happy with the other stores that are opening at UNSW. :D In particular, I'm pretty excited about Moochi and Boost. Not sure about the other shops...
  5. Riachain

    The amount of stairs is...

    Good exercise. If you really hate the stairs, find shortcuts. They exist.
  6. Riachain

    Can't take all courses required for CPA qualification?

    Alright then. Looks like I'll just have to suck it up and get Finance over with during university. Thanks. ;) I've always enjoyed learning Japanese, so I shouldn't have too much of a problem learning languages. Been studying Japanese for around six years now. The tutor taught only in Japanese...
  7. Riachain

    Can't take all courses required for CPA qualification?

    Still not 100% set on the language thing though. I just found out yesterday that any courses taught at the School of International Studies are pretty good, so I might make a language my minor and go for something like Asian Studies instead. I'll see... And hmm, alright. General consensus here...
  8. Riachain

    Can't take all courses required for CPA qualification?

    Phew, that's good then. (That I can leaving the Auditing and Tax courses out and finish everything else on schedule.) Do you know if I would be able to leave FINS1613 out and complete it in the CPA Program, or would I have to complete it while studying at UNSW? Also, I heard that Info Systems...
  9. Riachain

    Can't take all courses required for CPA qualification?

    My questions are actually quite a bit more complicated than the thread's title makes it out to be. There are two very important points that I have to say before I get to them. 1) I'm doing 3522 - Commerce/Arts. I just realized that I can't take all of the courses required for a CPA...
  10. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Ended last Friday. I know, awesome. 8D (But when the results come around, it won't be so awesome.)
  11. Riachain

    Architecture @ UNSW?

    Someone tell me what that's like? Friend wants to take it, not sure what to expect. Tell me about contact hours, how difficult it is, etc. Thanks!
  12. Riachain

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    ^ Like me. I'm illiterate when it comes to any type of math. Except for the basics, like addition, subtraction, fractions, that sort of thing. Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing Commerce when I have to take a business statistics core course... (If I ever took that MATH1131 course, I'd completely...
  13. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Right? It's a habit from HSC. Fridays were awesome because weekends were right after them. If you had Friday off, you partied like there was no tomorrow or slept like you were dead. But Mondays, they were considered the dreaded school days, the days when you buckled down and got ready for...
  14. Riachain

    What Timetable Variation Do You Think Is Best?

    Unfortunately, I am prone to procrastination, but I'll think of next semester as an opportunity for me to get over my bad habit. x'D
  15. Riachain

    What Timetable Variation Do You Think Is Best?

    I'll be doing this (four day weekend) next semester because that's the only way my schedule can work if I want to go to university only three days a week. Needless to say, next semester will be when I'll really have to organize my priorities and set things straight, haha.
  16. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Sorry, only know this from word of mouth. Citation not possible. ;( (Also, err, I hope this isn't going to turn into a big thing. If you're a Monday person, go for Mondays. If you're a Friday person, go for Fridays. It's just that most of the people I talk to tend to like their Fridays off.)
  17. Riachain

    Exam gloating/whinging thread

    Multiple choice wasn't too difficult. There were a few that I was pretty stumped on, but most were pretty decent. I'm hoping for at least 40/65. My written answers were all over the place, but I'm hoping that they were right. If not, I still hope I'll get some marks out of them, haha.
  18. Riachain

    Exam gloating/whinging thread

    Just did my last exam, Microeconomics (ECON1101). Questions weren't necessarily too hard if you studied, but I was procrasti-cleaning (get it? procrastinating by cleaning) and didn't manage to study all of the chapters, so the "essay" questions, which focused on the chapters that I didn't get to...
  19. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Yeah, oops, missed that. But people still usually choose to have their Fridays free rather than their Mondays, if they could only pick either one of them.
  20. Riachain

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    ^ Stephen McGuinness really is a brilliant tutor. I didn't like ARTS1811 at all, but I still always looked forward to his tutorials. ;)