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  1. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    lol nice Does anyone else have a timetable spread out over the whole week/5 days?
  2. beatboxre

    Week Range Question

    Lol it's alright, pretty sure it's that. Anyways, I go on zee bed for sleep, night
  3. beatboxre

    Week Range Question

    Yes, for that particular tutorial you only go on the said weeks, I think.
  4. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    wtf is gaia edit:nvm I googlelelelel "Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world." O_O how is this related to you getting your registration times :O
  5. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    lol thanks for the link :D
  6. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    Yer, you enrol into all your units but you register for the upcoming semester. In this case, only for autumn :D edit: Sorry for being off topic, I know there is a non-school forum, but I can't find it lol, link me please. ttytttttyyyyyyy
  7. beatboxre

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    You may aswell start a new version of Top Gear, maybe call it Clutched or some shat, and then you get to drive all those cars. When you get rich, transfer some money to my bank account, then I be happy.
  8. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    LOL @ "do a vanilla_latte" n1
  9. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    :O Alot of video streaming:hammer:
  10. beatboxre

    Official UWS Student List 2010

    Haha ye, If you cops catch us speeding or some shat, please don't give me a fine :D Try to remember this username LOL
  11. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    Ye man, one of the unit registrations opened today for the "School of computing and mathematics"/ "Mathematics for Engineers 1 200237". Rest open tomorrow :D
  12. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    Oh alright. Thanks for clearing that up man :D It says that for me aswell. Maybe it counts as a registration "change" when we register for the lectures/tuts/pracs
  13. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    nice lol, do you have an answer to a question I asked above¿ I is confused O_O
  14. beatboxre

    Tutorial Registration

    What. In my case, for the Week Range it says 10-16 and 18-23. I registered for 2 lectures and 1 tutorial, which are on tuesday, wednesday and thursday respectively. Does that mean I have to attend the lectures/tutorials in weeks 10-16 and 18-23 on those particular days, each week?
  15. beatboxre

    facebook IM! help!

    lmao, then politely tell her not to disturb you while on facebook. If she still does it, e-slap her on the face through the screen. asfasf
  16. beatboxre

    Withdraw From uws

  17. beatboxre

    facebook IM! help!

    hahah, just fackin delete
  18. beatboxre

    Interracial relationships

    ahahahaa >[º_º]>
  19. beatboxre

    Unit offering option does not exist.?

    Try doing it again, otherwise call the Uni