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Search results

  1. Cianyx

    Death Metal!!!

    Awesome band, but ish Thrash
  2. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    I've never got into Refused but I must admit they are good
  3. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    He must have found a life. Yeah, I know of Raein. Pretty cool band. I'll check it out after Le Pré Où Je Suis Mort
  4. Cianyx

    Death Metal!!!

    Great list. Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream Morbid Angel - Anything from Maze of Torment to Covenant is worth picking up At The Gates - The Red in the Sky Is Ours is one of the most desperate and powerfuly DM albums ever Emtombed - Left Hand Path. Classic album Necrophobic - The...
  5. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    Yup. Haven't seen him around for a while though Edit: I swear, the French make the awesomest Screamo
  6. Cianyx

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    So jealous right now. Stupid Sydney. Broken Social Scene COFFINS along with their badass Melbourne support Muse is too expensive. Might go to that Dangers show as well. Pisschrist Maybe The Wonder Years for the lols and if I've got some extra cash
  7. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    ARMED WITH A MIND Dun-Dun-Dun Dun-Dun-Dun
  8. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    sXe 4 lif
  9. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    Great timing. I was actually for more Daitro stuff This is Pisschrist's Nothing Has Changed. You can get it when you're uncapped pisschrist - nothing has changed.rar Checking out your side bands as of now. Also, I believe Dave posts on the same forum as me. Hence why I know of xNegatronx. As a...
  10. Cianyx

    Everything You Wanted To Know About Internet Porn.

    People actually search the words "Porn" and "xxx"? Imagination must be rare these days.
  11. Cianyx

    Death Metal!!!

    I come bearing gifts YouTube - Revenant - Prophecy Of A Dying World YouTube - Infester - Epicurean Entrails Toodles
  12. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    For real? Is the band still going?
  13. Cianyx

    Future of music?

    Metallica went Platinum. Their tickets cost $400. A show I'm going to, Coffins. With 5 awesome supports $20 Inflation, bro
  14. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    Had a look at your Last.Fm. Haha, how'd you find out about xNegatronx?
  15. Cianyx

    Death Metal!!!

    What are some good new Death Metal bands?
  16. Cianyx

    Future of music?

    It'd be fineee
  17. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    Sweet, thanks mate
  18. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    Ooh, a link would be great thanks. I brought it up because Pisschrist are splitting up. PISSCHRIST on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Videos
  19. Cianyx

    Hardcore Punk

    Not yet man. Having trouble looking for their stuff. Anywhere I can hear it? Also, do you know of Pisschrist?
  20. Cianyx


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