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  1. panda15

    atar estimate for a mate

    70 is like the average ATAR. Those ranks are WELL below average.
  2. panda15

    Subject Selections

    If you're doing 3U just for the sake of HSC physics, you're wasting your time. The maths required in physics is year 9 stuff.
  3. panda15

    polynomial question

    P(x)=Q(x)(x^2-1)+(3x-1) P(1)=0+3-1 =2
  4. panda15

    polynomial question

    Use the fact that since P(x) is even, it can't contain and odd powers, so you're left with p4x^4 + p2x^2 + p0. Since it's monic, p4=1, so you can use the remainders given to create 2 simultaneous equations with variables p2 and p0.
  5. panda15

    Describing the behaviour of a function?

    Don't you need to know 2-sided limits for 3U graphs?
  6. panda15

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Cauchy-Schwarz is really just a fancy version of the triangle inequality.
  7. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    I'm willing to go all the way.
  8. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    What if I go out with you?
  9. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    It had to look realistic. I wanted to impress her. The minimum number of girls for a pimp is 6, so really I was being generous to everyone else by only taking 6. You may now refer to me as the King of Generosity.
  10. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    I'll have one ready to go for you when you finish your exams.
  11. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    Fuarrrk I'm sorry bro. I just wanted the hot checkout chick to think i was pimpin'
  12. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    what did you just call me??????????
  13. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    Nah man, 100% legit. If you get bored of them, you can just return them. Just keep the receipt. K-mart has a 2-for-1 deal on girlfriends going on at the moment. I bought 6.
  14. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    Man the fuck up and fuck them both. Fuck.
  15. panda15

    What does it mean when my crushes good friend looks at me?

    If you don't get a 3-way our of this, you may as well just come out of the closet.