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  1. F

    Legal Studies vs Physics Subject selection and scaling

    Swap if you want, I swapped from physics to chem, physics definitely wasn't what I thought it would be and when I was looking at subjects to swap to i did consider legal because it seems very interesting. As for scaling you really shouldn't care that much as the the main goal is how well you...
  2. F

    integration help

    Sorry I ended up getting it, I forgot to square it. But it would help to know how to integrate 1/sqrt of x is thats possible, thanks
  3. F

    integration help

    How do you integrate 1/sqrt(x) the question is find the exact volume when the curve y=1/sqrt(x) is rotated around the x-axis from x=1 to x=3
  4. F


    I've gotten a tutor this term and i think i've gotten a lot better over the last 4 weeks (i've been getting progressively better over the past 2 years, I used to be quite bad). I mainly use the resources which the place provides, things like past papers, h/w sets and exam questions. Also the...
  5. F

    I don't know what subject to drop. SERIOUS

    What are you're other subjects, also its been 4 weeks, maybe give it a bit more time to see which subjects you enjoy more. Which one you drop is up to you, you have to choose the subjects which you enjoy studying for, not the one which scales best/worst.
  6. F

    Year 11 subject selection

    maybe look at the date when the thread was started...
  7. F

    Should I drop economics?

    This is basically it. Business is just straight forward while eco is actually complex and takes a lot more time to understand. If your not interested in either than pick up business as there is a reduced workload and it's not a hard subject but you chose eco so you probably liked it and I think...
  8. F

    Preliminary: Subjects Change

    I'm was wanting to swap out of business but I actually came to enjoy it over the last week which i think is mainly due to my teacher who is very good and enthusiastic about the subject. Right now I want to swap from physics to chem but it would mean swapping classes for business which i'm a bit...
  9. F

    I spend too much time on Maths Homework

    Just ask you friends when you have trouble or get the teacher to help you. generally if you have trouble on a question skip it and come back after you've done the rest because you might have used a similar method in a another question. Also if your trying to get the hang of a topic you can...
  10. F

    Fitzpatrick maths 2u?

    dont rely solely on a book, you have to use past papers. MIF+cambridge is a good combo of books
  11. F

    People finding Yr 11 hard already!?

    I'm having trouble with physics questions but apart from that its pretty standard with minimal h/w.
  12. F

    Should i drop to General Maths?

    How do you know you're bad at maths, you're 2 weeks into the course. Also what other subjects are you doing? 2u is just about doing questions, it's not that hard, as long as you put in the effort you can do fine
  13. F

    (Integration), where did I go wrong?

    What quesiton are you doing? (2-x)(1+x) =2+2x-x-x^2 AND NOT 2-2x-x-x^2 intergrating 2+x-x^2 gives you 2x+(x^2)/2-(x^3)/3 the sub in the x-intercepts (2(2)+(2^2)/2 - (2^3)/3)-(2(1)+(-1^2)/2 -(/1^3)/3) this gives you 4.5 for the first one, are you also doing the 2nd question now? for the next...
  14. F

    (Integration), where did I go wrong?

    you did a - instead of a plus 2-2x-x-x^2 -> 2+2x-x-x^2
  15. F

    Only just got accepted into a selective school--should I still move?

    you can do really well if you stay at your school it's really up to you, personally I think you're better off where you are cause you save like 2hours of travel each day which adds up. My school was ranked 220's last year and we had a someone get 99.6 so the ATAR which you get is really up to...
  16. F

    Year 10 Science Research Project Ideas?

    I measured whether water temp affects the surface tension of water and whether salt affects it as well. It's better do do something easier as they're marking you on your write up rather than the difficulty of the experiment
  17. F

    Prelim 2015 Chit Chat Thread

    my school is doing probability right now for MX1
  18. F

    Is business studies boring?

    I mentioned that as my friends are quite smart and we already work together in 2u maths and explain things and help each other out so I would have help if I needed it or if I struggle. I was seriously considering doing Chem and the end of last year as I found it quite interesting however I...
  19. F

    Is business studies boring?

    :( do you think it would be better to switch to chem which is actually an interesting subject(also my friends are in it) or should I stick with business because I know I can do well in it?
  20. F

    Is business studies boring?

    I've just started year 11 and I chose business studies since I thought it would be interesting and that I would enjoy it to an extent, however the work which we're doing now is quite boring and I'm starting to hate the subject, especially the homework which basically asks you to rewrite...