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  1. ArtemisOrthia


    You're not wasting a preference when you still have 6 free to utilise. You have nothing to lose by applying for it, plus you never know, you might surprise yourself. :)
  2. ArtemisOrthia

    Feminist historiography

    This is a powerpoint I found online, it might help you out a little. My apologies, all my notes are hand written and would take a little while to type up. If you're still unsure or having difficulty, I can work at typing up a summary once the holidays commence. n_n
  3. ArtemisOrthia

    Last week of school

    Pretty excited actually. n_n Though I am going to miss seeing my friends everyday, known my best friend for 6 years, seen her everyday, and it's going to be weird going to different universities. Bit scared about losing friendships due to time and distance. Nervous about the big wide would...
  4. ArtemisOrthia

    English help!!!

    At my school they guide us to only use one quote per paragraph, but if you're paragraph is demonstrating a theme or a concept then you could use 1-3. Anymore than three gets far too bulky and your structure slips all over the place. As long as you're keeping in line with your structure you...
  5. ArtemisOrthia

    leaving gifts for teachers

    Something personal for them, with a nice card is always lovely - the card is something they can keep forever and remember you by if you put in lovely message all the better. Anything such as wine, chocolate, flowers are very typical. For my Ancient history class my teacher collects a lot of...
  6. ArtemisOrthia

    Modern History Essay Guide

    Brilliant. Thank you so much for taking your time to construct this amazing guide. n_n I know it will come to help for many future Modern History students. :) Edit: FFS must spread more REP D: D:
  7. ArtemisOrthia

    Second triumvirate

    Have a check on the resource section of this site, there should be a couple uploaded there. n_n Also, an essay on the second triumvirate isn't that diffuclt, are you looking at the goals / effectiveness / breakdown / formation of it? Heaps of information out there on it. Crazy not try and do...
  8. ArtemisOrthia

    Yeah, well that's just my experience from Callendar at the HTA study days this year, she wasn't...

    Yeah, well that's just my experience from Callendar at the HTA study days this year, she wasn't the greatest person out there. Shame, my Ancient teacher used to do the Minoan lectures for the HTA Association and she is truly superb! :) Don't concern yourself too much about the ranks, second is...
  9. ArtemisOrthia

    How Long to Spend on A & B of the Personality Study?

    I generally break it down to 20 minutes for Part A - the ten marker, then 25 Minutes for Part B - the 15 marker. And yeah, 3-4 pages for each question should be sufficient, unless you have monstrously large hand writing or something. n_n
  10. ArtemisOrthia

    Oh you are brilliant! Thank you for going to the effort, I appreciate it very much. :) Oh, I...

    Oh you are brilliant! Thank you for going to the effort, I appreciate it very much. :) Oh, I wanted to note, not sure if you went to the HTA study days but Gae Callendar for Minoans -goes way over time, and if she does the same Minoan lecture it's very concentrated on Religion -and in all...
  11. ArtemisOrthia

    Oh wow, you're major sounds very cool. Would love to read it in the future! n_n My major went...

    Oh wow, you're major sounds very cool. Would love to read it in the future! n_n My major went well, very happy with it! n_n How'd yours go? Good marks I expect. :) I like them both very much, though most of the time I prefer to read something more so Ancient rather than modern. Though sometimes...
  12. ArtemisOrthia

    Oh sweet, I went to a lecture before where Estelle Lazer and Brian Brennan lectured, they really...

    Oh sweet, I went to a lecture before where Estelle Lazer and Brian Brennan lectured, they really are fantastic. n_n You'll get so much out of them! If you have the time I would greatly appreciate you scanning the sheet, but please don't go out of your way. :) Thank you very much. How's the...
  13. ArtemisOrthia

    Cssa trial exam

    Congratulations on some fantastic results! Haha, don't be too bummed by the society section, it's still a very good mark. Nice work on the core, you should be happy with that. n_n
  14. ArtemisOrthia

    Worth choosing??

    Just give it a go!!! If you struggle, or don't like it, you can always drop. n_n No harm in trying. :)
  15. ArtemisOrthia

    This the bad

    At school all we have been doing is revision, and after 6 hours at school it kind of gets old... So yes, I've been studying at school, and bare minimal at home. Once the holidays start I'll get back into that studious routine... I hope. n_n
  16. ArtemisOrthia

    For Ancient I look at Sparta, Hatshepsut, and NKE to the Death of Thutmose III. For Mod I'm...

    For Ancient I look at Sparta, Hatshepsut, and NKE to the Death of Thutmose III. For Mod I'm doing Germany, Leni Riefenstahl, and Conflict in Europe -I'm jealous that you do Russia. And for Ext I look at JFK -again, envious that you're doing an Ancient casestudy; I really wanted to do Thucydides...
  17. ArtemisOrthia

    Ready for the final exams?

    D: What lame teachers! They should be so pleased to mark essays and as such... mine keep nagging for more and more and more. D: Maybe you can ask another teacher who teaches the subject to have a look at it for you?
  18. ArtemisOrthia

    Ready for the final exams?

    Past Papers are driving me insane... D: so much time... so many to do D: D: D:
  19. ArtemisOrthia

    What is everyone going to do the day they finish the HSC?

    Going camping! ~ then in the Jan / Feb break going to Cairns... lovely warm beaches and the Great Barrier Reef here I come. (God I can't wait!) n_n Still have to plan / save up for my trip to Europe... but that means a lot of work.
  20. ArtemisOrthia


    Wow. Life isn't all about school... If you're tired of this routine now and you're in year 11, good luck with year 12. Make sure you have freedom, and leisure. Go out spontaneously with friends and what not. Plan trips in the breaks, gives you something to look forward to. Someone mentioned get...