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  1. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Yes they use these but they are BEGINNERS courses. It doesn't say anywhere in the handbook that you're expected to be proficient in coding languages. I know there is MORE maths in EE than CS but is it more intense? The question can't be answered by looking at the handbook because it doesn't...
  2. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    It's not relevant whether or not I prefer to be "forced" to do the workshops/thesis, I asked whether they were beneficial to a career in software development. My preferences are irrelevant to which program is objectively better. I will do whatever program is better regarded or, in this case...
  3. clementinez

    Should I learn an instrument during year 11?

    ^^the frets tho I don't see why you shouldn't learn to play an instrument, now is as good a time as any. Are you a beginner? Because starting off in any instrument is not going to require you sit and study music theory and practice for hours, more like half an hour a day in the beginning and...
  4. clementinez

    What science to drop for year 12?

    You have to decide for yourself what field you'd like to go into. The first step is having a look through the university handbooks to see which courses interest you and maybe googling specific fields so you can get a feel for what it's about. As for which science fields have the greatest...
  5. clementinez

    What science to drop for year 12?

    It depends on which Science you're best and worst at but from a uni perspective drop either Biology or Physics. The reason I say this is because HSC Physics is nothing like university physics, it won't help significantly as uni physics is mostly maths and you have that covered. HSC physics is...
  6. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Does having knowledge of C or Java in advance put you in a better position that others when doing the pracs or is it not a good idea to study this before starting the degree? I read somewhere that learning programming languages without understanding the theory behind it all can make you pick up...
  7. clementinez

    USYD or UNSW for Engineering (mech) and Arts?

    USYD has a stronger Arts faculty in general. QS ranked it 26th for Politics & International Relations and 37th for Philosophy. Normally I wouldn't recommend looking solely at rankings but from the research I've done USYD is definitely the place to be for Arts and you'll have a wider range of...
  8. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Good to know. I suppose one extra maths course isn't too bad if I decide on CS. Still less than EE.
  9. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Your reply is great. Thanks! I haven't done 4u maths. That seems like a reasonable amount of study. Regardless of what I choose, keeping up to date with everything is most effective. Do EE students get to do a lot of practical work while still at uni? You've definitely given me a lot to...
  10. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I've considered the Masters in Biomedical Engineering but I could do that after graduating. I really want to combine my undergrad with Commerce or Arts because of other interests. As for Renewable Energy Engineering, the program seems to be a lot of everything but I feel I'd narrow my...
  11. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I want to avoid Computer Engineering because I'm not interested in hardware. I am however interested in circuits and the electronics that's why I'm considering EE. Ideally, if I did choose EE I'd like to work in biomedical engineering or something to do with renewable energy (I know these two...
  12. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I know.. it's a difficult one. It's good to hear that SENG = CS when it comes to job prospects so I don't feel forced to take SENG.
  13. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    keeping in mind that when doing a combined degree there is less room for electives so I'm guessing the program would be more fixed if I were to take it..
  14. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I agree. Just based on the courses taken EE has a completely different focus and I doubt anyone doing EE will learn how to think like a computer scientist unless they specifically learn CS as well. The fields are related IMO but one can't substitute the other which is why I was a bit skeptical...
  15. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Yeah I should have but I was supposed to be back with plenty of time to do that.. not anymore. I do.. Ok, this is very useful to know. I might consider doing CS then. I'm probably going to end up doing the 4th year honours anyway but I like the idea of being able to graduate without it.
  16. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    SENG = CS - SENG workshops, got it.. and you believe the SENG workshops are not worth the extra year..
  17. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Also you do realise there are students completing their HSC via DE either from rural areas or overseas due to any number of reasons. There are distance education high schools in Australia.
  18. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    gap year? lol I meant the sound of the program not the name.. I have researched this a LOT but the reason I'm asking on a forum is because I want to hear what students undertaking the programs have to say. I know about pretty much every course combination at USYD and UNSW because I wanted to...
  19. clementinez

    Engineering at USYD vs UNSW

    secret toilet lol all is not lost