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Search results

  1. M

    Fashion trends you LOVE and HATE!!

    gladiator shoes are foul
  2. M

    zomg ily

    zomg ily
  3. M

    Just a question

    i'm scared :shiver:
  4. M


    idk have we?
  5. M

    usyd or unsw?

  6. M

    Should Muslim Holidays be recognised in Australia?

    pretty sure they should hey. equality and all that
  7. M

    ATAR Estimate Please =)

    i rly suck at these but ext eng is fun! keep it :D
  8. M

    Why should I want to study at James Cook?

    wasnt he the guy that discovered good ol' oz or sumting?
  9. M

    Who did well in UMAT? HOW?

    idk it's just like you're sitting there in the room, you know? looking at the paper. and then you see an answer and it just clicks. so you put it down and you're all sweet, yeah?
  10. M

    co-op program

    it's a good program. go for it!
  11. M

    Is it possible to replace all words that are the same in Microsoft Word with 1 click?

    Re: Is it possible to replace all words that are the same in Microsoft Word with 1 cl what he said
  12. M

    Anarcho-capitalists, I'm calling you out....

    i believe in the FREEDOM of every humanitarian BEING in EXISTENCE. OK? apply to economics if you will
  13. M

    Which IT Degree(s) should I apply to, & at which University?

    do arts imo. you'll find it challenging! and you can go to a uni like usyd with all that pretty sandstone :D
  14. M

    Craig David

    repz u 4 bruza. craig 4lyf man~