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  1. lilly luta

    Ipads? An investment or a waste?

    It's basically a bigger version of iPhone :)
  2. lilly luta

    What does your desk look like?

    I did :) 3 on the desk and one on the calendar :)
  3. lilly luta

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    oh Spiral...you're so cute...I can just eat you right now...nom nom nom ...not that I like the taste of raw metal :P
  4. lilly luta

    nite :)

    nite :)
  5. lilly luta

    I am going now :P Last day of staying up late today :P

    I am going now :P Last day of staying up late today :P
  6. lilly luta

    no, she's cute...do not even think about eating her Spiral >"<

    no, she's cute...do not even think about eating her Spiral >"<
  7. lilly luta

    http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=ofmru6qtdwmsmqo Isn't she so cute

    http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=ofmru6qtdwmsmqo Isn't she so cute
  8. lilly luta

    Don't be mad...I will show you my puppy :) Yeah?

    Don't be mad...I will show you my puppy :) Yeah?
  9. lilly luta

    Is Spiral mad?

    Is Spiral mad?
  10. lilly luta

    >"< you are so mean :( I hate the word forever :(

    >"< you are so mean :( I hate the word forever :(
  11. lilly luta

    oh wat? =.=" Lilly is going to ignore Spiral for 1 day now because he is naughty :(

    oh wat? =.=" Lilly is going to ignore Spiral for 1 day now because he is naughty :(
  12. lilly luta

    so...does it mean Spiral is going to rest?

    so...does it mean Spiral is going to rest?
  13. lilly luta

    Spiral is just that naughty *shakes head* ...Spiral is going to get worn out and can no longer...

    Spiral is just that naughty *shakes head* ...Spiral is going to get worn out and can no longer help Lilly with her Physics :(
  14. lilly luta

    Read Up

    aww... it's only a few months to go... If you can wait...It's a bonus :)
  15. lilly luta

    How do you rate your school?

    I just love school <3 love all of my teachers too Rate 10/10
  16. lilly luta

    oh no...that's sad :( Lilly will not watch it because Lilly will bawl her eyes out :( Spiral...

    oh no...that's sad :( Lilly will not watch it because Lilly will bawl her eyes out :( Spiral needs sleep...Go to bed..nite nite <3
  17. lilly luta

    Wat movie did Spiral watch? I will in a minute :)

    Wat movie did Spiral watch? I will in a minute :)
  18. lilly luta

    aww, wat is the movie? Lilly is watching Josh Hutcherson's interview on youtube LOL Lilly is in...

    aww, wat is the movie? Lilly is watching Josh Hutcherson's interview on youtube LOL Lilly is in love with the Hunger Games nom nom nom
  19. lilly luta

    What does your desk look like?

    I love the pokemon <3
  20. lilly luta

    Do you need an atar if you are becoming an actor?
