GUYYSSS IM GOING TO BRISBANE!!! (for worldskills or something) so on the off chance anyone else here won their competition then i guess let me know? anyway IM GOINGT O BRISBANE?????
Shoutout to ME because today the 'library teacher' (I'm sure she has a real role Idk what it is though) told me that I was THE ONLY ONE IN MY YEAR to do the premiers reading challenge!!!
idk where people were talking about it but i asked one of the English teachers for books (for advanced+ext) to read and she gave me:
'Heart of Darkness' - Joseph Conrad
'Thirteen Ways of Looking' - Colum McCann
'In the Skin of a Lion' - Michael Ondaatje
'Short Stories' - Henry Lawson
'My Place' - Sally Morgan
so idk if any of yall have heard of WorldSkills (I hadn't until like last week) but anyway it’s a competition for people doing VET subjects and like if you win the national one you go to Paris? and i seem to have won the 'regional' one for IDT but apparently im not guarenteed a place at the state one?
anyway ill keep you updated if i go to a state level one. If i win that i get to go to brisbane…
i think they're gonna make me do distance ed for one of my subjects because it clashes with my accelerated FUCK... the other accelerated kids are being called one by one i think im cooked