Hey mate, are you just doing commerce in the single degree? or are you combining it with something else? I know i'm combining it with eco, so my cores are a little different, but all my courses this semester are the same as the cores for commerce (econ1101, econ1203, mgmt 1001, acct1501). If you put those into rectangles, then click on the name as they come up, it should link you to the online handbook for it and in the little blue box there will be a hyperlink saying 'see class timetables'. If you click on that, it has all the lecture and tute times available for that course, so it's fairly easy to chop and change classes and bunch them up. I've got mine down to 1 full day and 2 half days so it is easy to move around once you get to that site and can find all the times. I used rectangles as a rough guide, then moved it around from there as it doesn't seem all that reliable. Hope this makes sense.