hey hey. i don't really use this much so sorry about my VERY late reply. yes, i started at macquarie doing a B Arts-Psych, because I didn't get a UAI high enough to get into B Psychology. B Arts-Psych and B Psychology at Macquarie are exactly the same course, only when 3rd year finishes those with B Psych automatically go into 4th year honours. You can still do honours with the B Arts-Psych, but you just need to keep an average of 70 throughout the course, but so do the B Psych people anyway.
I have now transferred into the BHRM at Macquarie. This course is now not offered to new students, but a major in Human Resources can be done through a B-Commerce or B Arts.
Do you have any specific questions?
Oh, there is statistics (which is more logic than maths) involved. I did general maths and got 95, so I do have an understanding of mathematics. You can get through it if you put your mind to it. I ended up received a distinction for it, and I didn't do any extension maths etc.
I have now transferred into the BHRM at Macquarie. This course is now not offered to new students, but a major in Human Resources can be done through a B-Commerce or B Arts.
Do you have any specific questions?
Oh, there is statistics (which is more logic than maths) involved. I did general maths and got 95, so I do have an understanding of mathematics. You can get through it if you put your mind to it. I ended up received a distinction for it, and I didn't do any extension maths etc.