For example... when i found out my uai, i got a call a few mins later from UOW saying that they'll accept me into engineering @ uow, i got 3 bonus points for going to CHS, and another 3 bonus points for access scheme, so the fact that i already knew i got in was great. I got another call a few hours later saying that they'll accept me for eng/sci since i did chem (cutoff for that was 80), so with the bonus points i was still 2 down, and they still accepted me.
I was gonna take unsw engineering out of my first spot since i knew i got into uow, but my parents said to keep it there, i might get in.
Offers came out, im expecting to get into uow, and it just so happened that UNSW accepted me, lol!
So yeah, *big rant*, keep what you really wanna do in top preference, there might be vacancies and they could give you the spot.
All the best