Nerds are hot

Oh, I'm currently in the process of starting a DBT out-patient program at a private psych hospital, to treat my anxiety, depression and BPD. So don't panic! I wasn't dying or anything lol.
Oh, poor you

Well, I know it's hard to get the work done when you can be BOSing, or something else fun, but just think of the amount of stress and pressure you're going to place on yourself when you end up leaving it to the night before! (I almost always do this). I think us students need serious motivational boosters!
Like, I always used to do my h/w and assignments on time, but now, I'm behind, especially because I was in hospital for the whole of the last school holidays, and now, I just don't have the motivation! I'm glad it is only Year 11. Remember: when we start yr 12, we start out on a clean slate

Good luck! Especially with your legal assignment.