heee u make me laugh

ha yes that is the cure but itz bad tasting medicine
ohhhh term 2 ahh it goes soo quick one min i`m getting the results back 4 my 1st eng acessment task then bang i`m getting my last eng task in yr 12 ahhh
soon no school hurrah and boo at the same time
i can`t wait 4 the hols and schoolies (i am going 2 london or paris !!!!!!! maybe)
but on the other hand i`ll miss my friends i hope we stay in touch i love all my buds
heee taylor swift and yes i like jonas bro as well
omg i know harsh 4 tay but it was a gr8 song
ugh yeah i know the beast is i just hope not all the way through
ohh that is such a awesome motto i live to laugh u sound like a fun person to be around the kind that cheers u up and makes u forget ur woes hee u have very lucky friends
haaaaa yes i have laughed sooo hard today my bio teacher bent down and ripped his pants !!!!!!!! i felt soo bad i was laughing uncontrollably
