OMG HI THATSBSUCH A HARD QUESTION, DO YOU MEAN SONGS? I CAN TRY AND GIVE YOU THAT BUT HONESTLY IT CHANGES EVERY 3 SECONDS. The only song that doesn't change is Decks Dark...its my favorite radiohead song, and favorite song of all time, so that's always number one! ILL TRY AND MAKE A LIST GIMME A SEC
Good morning Champion Stronger I wonder Good life Cant Tell me Nothing Flashing lights Everything I am The Glory Homecoming Big Brother Good night
ALRIGHT MADE A LIST! Ill do it in chronological album order, except for Decks Dark - which is my favorite song, so ill do #1. Ill put the album/single it comes from as well! Theres a 420 character limit so i will put this in another comment lol
Decks Dark (A Moon Shaped Pool) The Tourist (Ok Computer) Pearly* (Paranoid Android single) Motion Picture Soundtrack (Kid A) Like Spinning Plates (Amnesiac) Sail to the moon (Hail to the Theif) Scatterbrain (Hail to the Theif) Reckoner (In Rainbows) Separator (The King of Limbs) Present Tense (A Moon Shaped Pool)
HONERABLE MENTIONS!! Not in any particular order... Worrywort I Froze Up Life In A Glasshouse Paranoid android Identikit The Daily Mail Climbing Up the Walls No Surprises Everything in its Right Place All I Need Bloom