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  • Jimmy I just wanted to inform you that I'm still your biggest fan
    got it, low external performance from me. I understand now, so the external performance plays no role whatsoever in the moderation of internals. It's mainly just cohort averages and mark gaps, and if you are ranked last or first it's mark matching. But even then there is alignment and scaling and all that stuff. Got it
    I meant in that hypothetical scenario, a low external performance from me. Sorry for confusing you Jimmy.. thanks a lot man. You do a lot of good, helping confused students such as myself
    No worries Axelot! Always happy to help! Let me know if you have any other questions. Wishing you the best! 😀
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    hi jimmy, i just got early entry for social work at acu, but im curious if after a while im able to transfer courses to psychology internally? thanks!
    Hi seraphiicx, congratulations on your offer! Yes, you can transfer internally (without having to reapply through UAC), as long as you complete a minimum of two units.
    hi jimmy! i am supeeerrr paranoid about not getting early entry because of my year 11 marks
    i got 3 A's and 3 B's, and am trying for an education course at ACU
    with everyone getting their offers i am just super worried!!
    what do you think my chances are like? what grades do you need for a higher chance of acception?
    Jimmy my hero when do we get a Software Engineering page on the forum list 🙏 :sleep:
    I know you can do this since you;;;re so cool and stuff ?
    Hello Socialism! Both the Software Engineering and Enterprise Computing forums will become available after the 2024 HSC! 😀
    Exciting... The end of an era for SDD and IPT :oops:
    Hi i was just wondering why Harper and Moey got banned?
    hi jimmy i think ur so cool and im ur biggest fan :angel:
    Hi. I recently had trials and I messed them up, haven't gotten my results back but this would ruin my ranking and put me in the lower part... of each subject. Is it possible to make it up in externals?
    Hi Axelot, while unfavourable performance in your trial exams will negatively impact your overall internal position, the weighting of your HSC exams makes them a great opportunity for you to improve your overall position across your subjects (essentially making a comeback). The higher your HSC exam marks, the better your overall HSC marks will be.
    thanks...hopefully it's enough to make my 84 ATAR. Going to be tough
    i chose arabic for yr 11 and im not sure if i should drop it in yr 12
    i came to australia 3 yrs ago (4 yrs in a couple of days) from lebanon so my arabic is top notch but the scaling is so scary (ik a lot be like dw abt scaling BUT I DO WANT TO WORRY), would i be affected by the scaling if i score above 80 and do high scaling subjects with it?
    jimmy! pls help me!!
    i have subject selection and have to choose between bio, eco, modernhistory
    im not rlly a science person plus im already doinh physics. any suggestions?
    what comes economics and modern history?
    You should consider your performance in your most recent studies of Stage 5 History and your overall experience of taking the subject. This, alongside having a look at the Modern History syllabus/content can help you make a more informed decision. The same applies to Economics if you took Stage 5 Commerce. Even if you have not, it would still be good to have a look at the Economics syllabus/content.
    Additionally, you should consider whether you are interested in studying a field relevant to either subject beyond the HSC. For example, an interest in economics could lead to studying economics/commerce (or a related field) at university.
    thanks king!
    Hey Jimmy. How does school rank affect people at the top of the cohort? So if theres a group of strong students, that get 90+ in a subject, but the school average is 60, will we get brought down?
    Hey vajayjay, NESA uses internal ranks and HSC exam marks to determine Assessment Marks. In doing so, they also maintain the relative gaps between students. As such, if the group of academically capable students perform well in their HSC exams, it is unlikely that their Assessment Marks would be brought down.
    hi jimmy So im taking 12 units (year 12) Mdrn his, Eng-Adv, Eng-EXT-1, Eng Ext-2, Math standard, Bio, PDHPE. Im just worried about my math as im totally gone for that subject, and im only doing it bcoz i need a form of math for my dentistry degree. If i just get really bad marks say- 80% for the whole of year 12, does that mean it wont counted since I have 10 units, Ik I can do really well on?
    So is it just the 5 best subjects and thr other is totally ignored? Also my school is really small with about 8 people doing science for eg, if I do really well eg 98+ while they do ok such as 70s to 80s average will my star be affected since its a ver low ranked school and tiny cohorts? thanks for ur help!
    yeah math won't be counted. 2 units of english are mandatory to be counted, but the other 8 units are your best ones. so if u do really well in modern, your 4 units of english, bio and pdhpe, the math mark becomes irrelevant because it won't be one of your best 8 units
    if you rank first and get the highest hsc mark then it doesn't matter what anyone else does for your subjects. if you get 98+ and everyone else gets 0, it doesn't matter if you're rank 1, so don't worry about what other people's marks are provided you rank highly
    hi jimmy, im in my subject selection period rn and i was wondering how was ur experience with eng standard if you dont mind sharing bc im having a hard time deciding between standard or adv. ive been told that im in the middle of both courses so any advice would be appreciated.

    Generally speaking, it would be better to take English Advanced, although you need to remember that it is slightly more difficult than English Standard. Since your level falls between the two subjects, you may wish to take English Advanced in year 11 and see how you go.

    Based on your performance, you can make an informed decision about whether to keep English Advanced going into year 12, or drop to English Standard. :)
    Thanks for the advice, i think i might try adv honestly but i rlly appreciate the message 👍
    Hey jim can u help me pls? so i currently go to a school ranked under 500 like i don't even think its known to this planet, but I really need to get a 90-95+ atar is it still possible even if I grind and just kill myself to study 24/7 ? or is the school gonna catch up on me and bring me down? on average the best they get is like 1 band 6 a year if anything:( what would be my odds and whatdo I have to do?
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    No worries! A school rank is simply an indication of the internal ranks required to be consistent with a certain ATAR. Generally speaking, the higher the school rank (e.g. a high-ranked selective school), the lower the internal ranks needed to achieve an identical ATAR to a student attending a lower-ranked school, where the latter would need higher internal ranks to be consistent with that same ATAR.

    In your case, placing 1st across your subjects is ideal and would essentially mean that there would not be limits to your ATAR, especially if you also do well in your HSC exams. :)
    you can get 99.95 if u rank first in everything
    Why are admins always so emotionless? 😭 i must take on the job and discover y...must be the impending doom of educational law
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