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  • Omg, you’re still here!!
    How've you been? Does the gig pay (being moderator)?
    It doesnt pay unfortunately. I have however, been with a BoSer for going on 8 years now :p. I stick around for the nostalgia. How's life treating you, it's been years.
    damn ur rlly old. can i have mod
    Hey you still got the essay guide for Modern History? Clicked on the link below your profile thingy and I couldn't find the page. I am currently contemplating over approaching prelims. Modern History isn't much of a priority to me but that might change in the following next week, so any tips to get me on a good kickstart would be gold.
    i figured that is it. i think a lot of web 1.0 communities such as this have been consolidated into large, web 2.0 aggregators like social media sites, reddit, etc. it's actually kind of unfortunate because with that aggregation has meant a lot of things have been lost - such as more individualised communities, greater site community feel, etc. also vB offers a better browsing experience than the fairly primitive board system sites like reddit use. its a case of 'progress' not necessarily leading to better things, and actually accompanying a loss of features
    i'm sorry, it's been so long since i checked in here! but i would love if you could send me that. we've already done our essays but i'd like to see another example.
    Hi there, I would really appeciate your advice on what steps to take to set up / write a great thesis statement from the question. I know my content very well, know how to write with evidence etc...but stumble with the 'set-up' thesis.
    Doing essay tomorrow on Significant Person for HSC exam - and find it hard to write a thesis to set it up as 'judgement' statement against the question. Can you give a few hints / steps to converting the question to do this?
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