S S SpiralFlex Sep 30, 2012 Where is griff? Never heard of it lol. I thought you wanted to do Chem Eng
S S SpiralFlex Sep 30, 2012 1. I thought I could do 10 applications in 1 hour turns out no lol. Whats your first pref?
Solution Sep 8, 2012 You are the answer to all of the world's problems. You are the answer to all the problems Spiralflex created in the past. You are Solution.
You are the answer to all of the world's problems. You are the answer to all the problems Spiralflex created in the past. You are Solution.
zeebobDD Sep 6, 2012 lol nice you'd easily get it man with all your rank 1 and 2's something maths related i guess perhaps civil eng or something
lol nice you'd easily get it man with all your rank 1 and 2's something maths related i guess perhaps civil eng or something
zeebobDD Sep 6, 2012 yeah hope so, uhmm did quite decent i guess hopefully im top 50/140 you decided your course yet?
zeebobDD Sep 6, 2012 lol ionoo i still need to get my english rank, my sciences arent looking too great :/ im just hoping for a 90+
lol ionoo i still need to get my english rank, my sciences arent looking too great :/ im just hoping for a 90+