
Yeah, it takes all sorts to make a world (oh the cliche :/).

I swear on one of the course info days, two girls were acting so stuck up lol (like they had a pole shoved up their, well... need I say more?).
Good to hear you love your uni, I've heard good things about Hawkesbury (I think they recently had many renovations, including a rebuilding of the science block? Sorry, not too sure). Yeah, my friends said that those ornaments make the campus look like a tacky version of Hollywood Boulevard

... I honestly can't wait to start at Parra and Penrith ^_^
Yep, I went to Colo

and I loved it (regardless of the outside opinion of the school itself). I might've known them (I was technically supposed to be in the 2010 yr 12, but when I moved to Brisbane for three months, it screwed up a whole year of my schooling

), what were their names? (If you don't mind me asking? if you do mind however, tell me to get stuffed and I'd understand)...