I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't try to learn the names of people in the other groups.
There's quite a big difference, yes. But don't let that discourage you!

Also, lucky, no SDD for me. Not enough demand. Silly girl schools. In any case, the NCSS Challenge is much more...intellectually stimulating...than SDD, I think.
When I did the python stream, the main focus there for most of the groups was to actually get the site working, heh. Thankfully my group's site worked in the end, so we were able to give a live demonstration - the others had to take screenshots and talk about their site like that. I think it might've been broken a few times, though.
Yep, bug fixing is excellent fun

But so is sleep. Some of the time. I usually prioritise coding over sleep, and that doesn't always end well! In any case, sleep deprivation (and the bugs it causes) is part of the coding experience and everyone should try it.
