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  • Hmm...I can't comment on that. Haven't even seen the movie...sorry
    You can't use the pictures separately. You have to use them together in order to be effective. e.g. one is an appropriation of the other.

    you can talk about how one contrasts an aborigine with a civilised white folk, and on the other hand we have an aborigine in a photograph standing among a group of white individuals, which is ironic because it suggests that the aborigines are finally treated equally, but the use of a photograph to portray aborigines suggests that there is still a sense of inequality.

    There's certain juxtapositions of the tradition aboriginal spears and war tools with modern day technology such as the radio etc...

    look deeper into the pictures and jot down ANYTHING that comes to mind. then start to pick out ones that are appropriate. thats what i find most effective when looking for techniques.

    hope it helps.
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