Its an interesting topic-
Despite your opinion, you can't change it.
Anyways, the concept is just plain stupid..
Taken from the "should pornography be illegal" thread
I think we have a skeezer on our hands..
I'm not going to mention anything that has previously been mention.
i'd suggest certain music like hemi-sync rythems (sycronises both hemispheres of your brain and lowers brain waves (Hz).
Also Pressure point are good, it hard to know where they are, but a common 'efficient' one is between your...
Burning out sucks, you are left so amotive, but what really kills you is the fact that you know you could be doing work to help achieve your goal.
To all those who are burnt out or burning out:
Its important to work hard, but it's even more important that you take some time for yourself; Take a...