Recent content by uniqshelppls

  1. U

    Macquarie Uni Eligibility advice.

    So putting it as my 9th preference wouldn't matter as i will still get it if i'm not eligible for the other 8 preferences?
  2. U

    Macquarie Uni Eligibility advice.

    I'm not eligible for EAS
  3. U

    Macquarie Uni Eligibility advice.

    Also for the course that they said i was eligible for can i put it as ninth preference as a back up if i don't get all the other preferences?
  4. U

    Macquarie Uni Eligibility advice.

    Hi i received an email this afternoon from MACQ stating that i'm eligible for the course i put in my preference ... it also stats "offers are made in main round if you: - have the course listed as one of your course preference by midnight 7th Jan - Do not receive an offer to a higher...
  5. U

    Will i make it into the course?

    Are you sure, i really want to go to usyd to do bach of science but am worried that i won't get into the course and won't receive offer :(.
  6. U

    Will i make it into the course?

    my atar with flexible entry is 79.55 and bachelor of science at usyd is 83.00 I put Bachelor of science at usyd as my first preference but seeing as my atar is lower than the atar cut off will i have any chance of making into the course? Should i replace my first preference with a course that...
  7. U

    LoL thread

    l0l you get to choose what champ i play, i say that's op but w/e i'm not a pussy, i'm the pussy slayer.
  8. U

    LoL thread

    wtf no masteries or runes u cray?
  9. U

    LoL thread

    l0l better than bronze 5 at least.
  10. U

    LoL thread

    i replied D4 lol........................................... diamond 4*
  11. U

    LoL thread

    what's your div?
  12. U

    Preference Main rounds question.

    omg i really hope so!
  13. U

    LoL thread

  14. U

    Preference Main rounds question.

    thank you thank you my head is clear now.