By it, I'm assuming you're talking about the volunteering gigs? If so, nah, I didn't apply I called people up/visited them at work and just talked to them about what I wanted to do and why I wanted to do it. They're mostly around Parramatta but I'm sure there's something available wherever you...
I think you might need to give a bit more insight as to what is confusing you for each question - taking a quick glance at what questions you have, some of them seem to be similar to a few dotpoints from year 12 science bio/phys, so try looking through some of the notes on this site and then ask...
Just adding onto what LoveHateSchool said, make sure as you're working on your major you include all your changes in your logbook (i.e. you type something up today, print it out stick it in, when you go back and edit it, print it out, stick it in). I know someone who ran into a spot of trouble...
Hey Aysce
Voluntary tutoring - this was mostly through people I knew within my (cultural) community who had a tonne of connections. I think the best place to start (as it was in my case) was just writing to people in media (newspapers/magazines) and talking to them about what you want to do...
I'd recommend this for any job really. Volunteering seriously looks amazing on any kind of application- whether it be a school leadership thing or to boost your chances for your UN dream & it's actually quite fun too. You'd probably want to go for something where you get to come into contact...
Not always - I mean the way they respond to the accidents may seem the same but each accident on its own is usually pretty unique.
For some reason I always watch this the night/day of a flight. I find it calming. :\
Hey, I'm not sure about the lecture notes but I know you can buy the course manuals from the copy centre - from the very few lectures I've experienced so far, the lecturers have the notes there anyways, so maybe you could just check them out before the lecture online to familiarize yourself with...
hmm not really intimidating for me...just really easy to get lost, like in a crowd. its really impersonal, you start to miss the togetherness of school.